PUPD method- why not? Opinion needed!

@cwall My understanding is that first you would need to layer the settling technique so if you currently feed to sleep, you could add in rocking and patting at the same time as feeding to sleep. Gradually, you would stop the feeding to sleep and only do the rocking and patting. This will help you gently move away from feeding to sleep as the only settling technique. Once your baby is settled in other ways other than feeding to sleep you would then decide how long you want to wait in between feeds such as 3 or 4 hours. If they wake before they are due for a feed, you would settle in one of the new methods. Hope this helps!
@cwall We night weaned by having my husband respond to night wakes up until a certain time (midnight, then 1am, then 2am, etc). But we started when my son was 12/13 months and not sick, not teething, not traveling, etc. And we will still give milk in a straw cup if he asks for it (which seems to happen during growth spurts or if he doesn’t eat much during the day).

There was still some (supported) crying though😢
@cwall It definitely is sleep training but it’s also totally okay if you want to try it! We tried it and it didn’t work, I’m glad we did though.

It’s okay to try things if the way you’re currently doing things doesn’t work anymore.
@cwall Just in here to say our baby’s sleep schedule is similar. At 10 months Im still up every 2-3 hours. It sucks, its draining, but its what he needs.
@cwall FWIW my son's sleep was awful around 7 months. We coslept. I have a routine. I tried everything to get him to sleep better. We even tried to eliminate dairy thinking it may have been a food intolerance and he was still awake every 2 hours wanting to nurse back to sleep. It's only recently improved. He just turned a year. We didn't change anything, I think he's finally just ready to sleep longer and getting better at getting himself back to sleep between sleep cycles without needing me to help every single time. Now we're down to once a night when I actually have to get up with him to help him get back to sleep
@cwall Yes, but he's making progress in that he no longer has to spend 100% of the night on top of me lol. He spends a lot of the night with just his feet touching me, some of the night in the crook of my arm, and a bit on top of me.

I'm confident that he will learn that he is safe and secure even if I'm not right up against him. He just needs the time, patience, and response from me in the meantime.

It took a lot of frustration and worry on my part before I did some research and realized this is ok. It's hard because we have so many people telling us otherwise. I still have people telling me I'm ruining him for life and that he'll never be independent because I'm not letting him CIO. Once I learned to ignore them and just focus on what I know my baby needs (and the massive amounts of research backing it up) it helped me get through the really hard nights. I'm hoping it will continue to help me get through any regressions he hits