Pregnant or nah?


New member
My period lasts basically 6-7 days. The last 3 days are extremely light and it’s just mostly dry blood. Those whole 6-7 days my bf came in me everyday and sometimes more than once in a day. He stopped when my period ended. What is the likelihood I’ll get pregnant especially for a 18 y/o?

@rocnas46 Any unprotected sex can surely lead to pregnancy, especially since you mentioned "he came in you" multiple times. Did you consider taking emergency contraceptive pills? It might delay ovulation to help stop unwanted pregnancy. But if ovulation happens while having sex, pregnancy is likely. (Even when on period) Sperm can stay in the vagina for 5 days. A pregnancy test is accurate after 14 days and definitive after 21 days. Use condoms in the future for safety.
@rocnas46 Yes, you had lots of unprotected sex, which is how pregnancies occur. Sperm can live for up to 5 days and the earliest ovulation has been recording happening is 8 days since the start of your period.

You’ll have to test in 14-21 days to confirm whether you’re pregnant or not.