
New member
2 days ago. throughout it all my friend (virgin 18f) was wearing a pad, panties, and jeans. i was naked. she gave me a h*ndjob and a bit of it went on her waist and arms and obviously hands. i remember she wiped it off with tissue and washed her hands (she said she wasn’t sure but i think she did because she had to see someone after and there’s no way she wouldn’t have noticed. during sex she also told me it was hurting so maybe i was too rough.

she then texted me that when she went home later she saw blood on her pants and the pad has moved a bit and is a bit hard from the blood. she last got her period april 3. her period is always a week late so it should be next week. she also wiped during that moment and saw nothing. she was also feeling pain and burning. she’s been sick for the week with a very high fever as well and exams are next week (stress?). she’s been taking paracetamol and antibiotic for her throat. when she went home she immediately changed clothes and “touched everything in her” (idk what she means) and showered that night.

last night she saw 2 drops of blood on her pad not with the consistency of a period.

i’m extremely worried but i told her it could be the hymen, her irregular period, stress, the medications, a cut because of the roughness, and her fever. please inform me.
@cherieak I'm sorry if you're asking this for real but this totally sounds like a troll post for various reasons:
  1. She's a virgin
  2. She was fully clothed
  3. You came on her waist, so nowhere near the vagina
  4. She cleaned and even if she didn't, skin can't absorb semen and get her impregnated, can you imagine if that was possible?! Omg it's even funny and scary to think that.
  5. Semen is delicate and can't survive outside the body that long.
So if anything on this post is real you don't have absolutely nothing to worry about, please just inform yourself about women periods, how pregnancy works, and even about STIs before you continue with any sexual activity. It's important to understand what you're getting into to be able to prevent any undesired situations 😉
@heal_the_sick obviously not a troll post.

will do, thanks. so what’s the most likely cause of the bleeding initially, the roughness and just a cut? and the drops was preperiod bleeding?
@cherieak I really don't understand what you mean with roughness as you didn't have sex, maybe it's just some premenstrual blood, it doesn't have the same consistency or even color as normal period, for example, this might be TMI but just for you to understand, sometimes I would get some brownish spoting (old blood) a few days before my period begins, also she's been sick and taking meds so that can affect her period.
@cherieak Oh also I just re read your post, she was feeling pain and burning maybe the bleeding could've been because of an UTI? That can also be the reason for her fever. I'm not a doctor so I'm just speculating but if she continue feeling that pain and burning sensation when peeing maybe she should get an urine examen and a visit to her doctor.
@heal_the_sick it’s probably just because of the roughness and the cut i caused hence the bleeding no? i doubt it’s a uti. the fever started monday and its consistent with a common cold (shivering, throat etc)
@cherieak I'm not sure if rubbing can cause cuts specially if she was wearing clothes and a pad, I would just say that you tell her to keep an eye on her symptoms, it might be a premenstrual spotting if it's not a uti. I really doubt that the bleeding was related to anything you did. You really don't have anything to worry about
@heal_the_sick she’s vomiting as well. i could kind of remember that as a sign of conception no? but again i think it’s her sickness and meds. also about the rubbing we literally were basically having sex but with her clothes on (positions etc)
@cherieak You need to stop and seek some mental health issues before you go and be intimate with anyone. Pregnancy scare isn’t the problem here, it’s your lack of education and apparent anxiety disorder for fabricated scenarios.
@cherieak She's definetly sick and needs to visit a doctor ifnher symptoms are a concern, conception and pregnancy symptoms can't happen two days after "sex" (which you didn't have), normally they appear two weeks after the deed. If she was wearing clothes then you didn't have sex