Pregnancy hospital bag


New member
Hey ladies .. I need some ideas here .. I'm 31 weeks and I'll be induced at 37 and I still haven't found a good hospital bag .. what kind are u all using? Name and pics would be great so I can get some ideas .. thank you ❤️
@ajerome Wow that didn't even cross my mind lol I think after seeing all those dumb TikTok and FB reels of the fancy schmancy bags I'm like .. where do I find a cheap one haha 😆
@sg1371 I (a persistent overpacker) ended up bringing a carry-on size suitcase (for clothes and stuff for me), a big diaper bag (with stuff for baby and nipple balm), maybe another bag/backpack for phone chargers, fan that I never used, extension cord that I did use, and other odds and ends, and a pillow.

I think the diaper bag (purchased second hand) was the only thing I actually purchased for that purpose, but knew I'd be using it later too. You'll also need to bring your car seat (can leave in the car until ready) - which you probably already knew, but figured I'd mention it. You'll also want to pack an extra empty* bag or two because you're not going to pack things as neatly for the ride home and you'll probably pick up some new items (hygiene items from the hospital room and/or gifts for baby if people are visiting)

But that's me (p.s. I didn't use about half the things I brought/stayed in a hospital gown until discharged, but that pillow that you think is taking up too much space is worth it)

*edit: typo
@sg1371 I just bought a duffle bag from Target. And I had a couple reusable bags to carry things like electronics and snacks and I brought an extra one because I knew we’d be leaving with more stuff than we came with like diapers and stuff.
@sg1371 We used my husband’s normal duffel bag and then we did have some pillows in an ikea bag

ETA: I was just induced this week and it turned into a C-section but I completely recommend bringing a heating pad and massage gun if you have - they really helped me get comfortable through contractions and back pain and sleeping
@sg1371 Mine only did because of my baby’s large size, she wasn’t descending into my pelvis. Wishing you a safe delivery whatever happens! It’s soo worth it on the other side

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