Postpartum Mood and Breastfeeding Survey Participants Needed Please!


New member

I am only 75 participants away from being able to stop my data collection, so if anyone has not taken this survey i would SUPER APPRECIATE YOU ALL. And thanks for all of you who've already completed ♥️♥️

Hi everyone! I'm finishing my PhD in Psychology with a women's health focus and am looking for people to take my survey! This topic is very close to my heart as a momma of three who's breastfed for a cumulative 6 years (ouch). My study aims to add to the research base surrounding the postpartum experience, specifically looking at factors that impact breastfeeding and how we can make things better for moms, dads, and babies in the future through attachment and social support.

It takes 10 minutes, and asks questions pertaining to your experience with breastfeeding and postpartum mood changes. To take it, you must be 18 years old, be breastfeeding (exclusively or supplementing), and be in a romantic relationship. Relationship is defined as ANY romantic relationship - however you define it.

If you know people who meet these qualifications, you can send this link to them too or direct them to this post. I so appreciate you guys!!!
@willubraptured2 I'm okay thank you :)

I'm in therapy and stuff. Unfortunately, I can't take antidepressants because it would interact with medications for other mental health issues. So therapy is the best I'm going to get.

But I feel a lot better today than I did a couple months ago even.
@luthfineymar Meditation, relaxation, and grounding is all over the research for PPD as treatment options...and unfortunately those things are hard to do when you have an infant 😂 like everything else is.

I'm so happy therapy is helping though!