Postpartum hair question


New member
Hey y’all! I don’t know if this is the right sub to post in but I hope someone can answer my question! ☺️ soo about this time last year I was going through the postpartum hair loss. It didn’t last that long from what I can remember maybe a few months (I have pretty terrible memory so it could’ve been longer) but a few months into it baby hairs starting to grow back around my temples. But that was the only place I noticed new hair growth. But recently I started looking at my hair and it paying more attention to is and I have soooooo many frizzy hairs all over the top of my hair! So I decide to pull most of them up to see how long and where they were coming from and it looked like they were all coming from my hairline.. I guess this is all new growth from postpartum shed? They are about 3-5 inches long first glance. Very frizzy and wifey. I didn’t even notice or even knew that hair sheds there during postpartum she’d 😅 is this normal to happen in the hairline?
@annalenamaria It's super normal. The hormones from your placenta cause your hair to stay in it's follicle for longer than it's usual life. When you lose your placenta and all those hormones, all that hair that was supposed to fall out during the 9 months you were pregnant sheds all at once. It can be a bit of a nightmare but it should all grow back.
@greg0ry Oh yea! It was. Did you experience hair loss and hair regrowth in your hairline on the top of your head? I guess I thought you only lost hair at the temples. Or is it an everywhere thing and I just never noticed? 🤣
@annalenamaria I’m in the midst of PP hair loss right now and it sucks. This is my third baby and I think what your saying is normal. Mine never got too bad but I take vitamins and collagen to support hair growth. Good luck
@annalenamaria Yes , experienced something similar. I ended up taking a postpartum gummy hair vitamin from Baby Blues to help them grow faster. Only thing I found to be effective, also helped with fullness..and my lashes..and nails so now I just take it because I get compliments on my hair even though my youngest is two. Linking where I get it in case it might help.