Postpartum Core Recovery


New member
I’m so thankful for all the discussion and resources here for preventing DR during pregnancy and getting back into fitness after recovery! But wondering about immediately after L&D.

In the days/weeks after delivering vaginally (before getting cleared exercise), should I be treating my core the same as during pregnancy? E.g. using arms to sit up/lay down, engaging TVA when possible? If there’s evidence of DR, can this postpartum recovery period make it worse if I overuse my core? Or is the concern just not overdoing it with targeted exercise to let the body heal?
@evergreenette I’ve been very careful with my core during postpartum. I did only pregnancy-safe core workouts and still have a separation postpartum (not DR thankfully). I waited until 6-8 weeks to start doing exercises and then have been doing DR recovery exercises and DR-safe stuff. I’m 12 weeks PP and starting to do more “regular” workouts but even so I’m modifying ab portions and being very conscious to engage/focus on TVA.

I guess that’s a long answer to say yes, I would still be very conscious and take a slow approach during recovery. If you can do it I’d recommend a postpartum physical therapist.
@evergreenette My core honestly felt at its ‘weakest’ postpartum rather than while pregnant. I remember the pelvic floor physio telling me to brace at my 9 week pp session, and I had to ask if I was doing it lol. It was actually months after that before I was even able to contract the ab muscles like how you (easily) would other body parts.

Returning to weight lifting or running too early postpartum will not do your core or pelvic floor any favours, so it’s best to take it slow, not just for your muscles, but the giant wound inside your body. Imagine how differently we would think if we carried our placental wound on the outside!

If you can get to a pelvic floor physio even just for one session, they can guide you. There are some exercises you can do immediately, they are very light/basic, but with consistency I finally started being able to feel my core again. It kind of feels like you’re doing nothing and getting nowhere, until one day you do!
@evergreenette Just like during pregnancy, you’ll want to really strengthen your TVA muscles and engage them whenever using your core to do stuff — sitting up, lifting small children, etc. From what I understand, you can gradually begin light Pilates work after a few weeks, and build up from there. Some stuff just takes time to heal, and some people will just recover naturally, but plenty of people who don’t deliberately address core issues continue to have wide DR gaps more than a year pp.