Possibly allergic to husband's soap, what else should a TTC couple look out for?


New member
So we figured out I'm probably allergic to my husband's body soap. Every time we BD'ed soon after a shower, I got v e r y dry and sore, to the point of worrying I had a very sudden UTI. If it's been longer since the shower or we ran out of Irish Spring and he used Dr. Bronners instead, no such issues occur.

So obviously we're no longer going to be using Irish Spring. But Dr.Bronners is drying for him so understandably he doesn't want to use it for long.

Any suggestions? Also, they say the vagina is self cleaning, to use a gentle soap on the vulva and only GENTLY rinse the very outer bit of the vaginal opening. Could there be similar advice for the uncircumcised penis? Gently rinse the foreskin, pull it back and clear out possible built up smegma, but don't use soap?

And what does a soap allergy inside the vagina mean for fertility this cycle?

Anyone else have an issue like this? What did you do?

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