Positive pregnancy test


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I'm between 2-7 weeks pregnant and I just found out yesterday. I plan on taking plan b today but what are the chances it will work??

Edit: thank you for your feedback, I'm going to Planned Parenthood today to get plan c abortion pill. For anyone else going through this, plan b is too late since I ovulated already, and plan c is two drugs taken within the course of two days. The first drug pushes everything out probably causing a 1-2day long period. It's possible to feel sick and have severe cramps but then the second drug is taken the second day and it blocks pregnancy hormone. Online, it says this second dose of medicine is taken under the tongue as dissolve tablets.
@macwabana not to be disrespectful to OP, but this is why sex education is so important. i’m not sure where OP lives but i’m in America and most schools focus on abstinence only and doesn’t educate on things like plan B and abortion
@markwattscounselling YUP!! I live in the states as well, I took health class but they definitely didn't go into detail of how abortions work and what to do if you actually do get pregnant. I loved my teacher, but I don't remember learning anything past "condoms" and "birth control 💊". She mostly focused on nutrition and scaring us to not do drugs.
@markwattscounselling Not only that, but certain political/religious groups spreading misinformation about Plan B by trying to make people believe it's an abortion pill in efforts to keep it out of stores or behind the counter. I had the misfortune of going to private school and I remember them telling us that Plan B was an abortion drug and you better not be caught with it (this was in the 00s).
@macwabana Like others have stated it is usually very painful. I would plan on taking your medications in a safe space where you have someone who is not going to pass judgement and help you through it. Like other have stated get some pain medications on the ready, and I would take them before you start the second medication so they have time to take effect. Just a note, sometimes abortion clinics will not give you the medications until they are able to view the pregnancy on an ultrasound which is usually around 5-6 weeks after the first day of your last menstrual so be prepared for that as well. Good luck! I’m hoping you live in a state where abortion isn’t illegal so you don’t have to travel to far. If you are having trouble paying for it because it can be very pricey go to abortion funds.org and scroll for your state.
@macwabana I’ve had a medical abortion at 15 weeks, feel free to message me if you need some support / advice / dealing with feeling after the fact
@macwabana So as you’ll probably see you will hate the abortion pill. The first pill does start your period. It started the next day for me very heavy for me as well. Blood clots changing pads every hour for awhile. That second pill will send you over the edge 😂 I thought I died and came back to life. The pain was unbearable I was crying on the toilet blood clots running outta me and throwing up at the same time. They say as long as that second pill is down for a minute or so you should be good. Sometimes it’s a concern if you throw up right away. I did but when I went in for checkup next week or so everything was clear. They give you promethazine for the nausea supposed to take it an hour before but it didn’t help me. Hopefully this comment help prepare you. My period didn’t go off for like 2 weeks after everything. It was a roller coaster that I would say I would never do again so much discomfort maybe the procedure is better.
@robertcuadra Thank you! I hope I don't have that bad of an experience.. I've had pretty horrible cramps before that caused me to throw up while on the toilet from the pain the only thing that helped was naproxen but I don't know if I'll be able to take it with plan c. I've taken promethazine before while having COVID and it did help so hopefully it helps this time.
@macwabana If it makes you feel any better I was something like just shy of six weeks when I took it, and with the pain meds I was prescribed it basically just felt like a bad period for me. I slept through the first few hours of it. I'm definitely grateful not to have had as much difficulty with it as others, but yeah, definitely a spectrum as far as side effects go so I hope your experience is as smooth as possible!