Positive stories!

@pentzbar000 Happy people don’t go online and tell stories.

That being said I loved the potato stage and when she turned 1 I loved how she would do a little dance like a fairy around a toadstool if I sang something goofy. She is 3 going on 4 now and she has started to put on voices while playing. She came home from school and told me about her day.

Everyday is amazing. Even the hard ones are better than the worse days I have had at work. Just like all things in life things will ebb and grow and phases will end. Just have faith in the process and in yourself. You’ll do great.
@pentzbar000 There are so many good things ... but I guess I don't ever feel like I need help with the good things, ya know? But "I've tried everything I can think of, anyone else have tricks for dealing with teenage temper tantrums?!?" is absolutely a time when I think to turn to the Internet.

But there are endless awesome things about being a parent -- when they are young, everything is new and amazing. It is wonderful to see the world through that lens -- leaves falling, a flower, birds (I put a bird feeder outside of the playroom window so she could see them up close), a slide, a drum. Things you take for granted, or don't even notice, are marvels.

As they get older, they'll do things that they picked up from you -- Our daughter, when she was just starting to walk, had a toy laptop. She'd put it on the floor and "work" while I worked at my desk.

When I mowed the grass with a push mower, she would push her tricycle in front of her and make mowing noises.

When my mom calls later in the evening, our daughter says goodnight by singing the silly goodnight song I've sung to her forever.

When we're grocery shopping & I am putting the shopping cart back -- if she sees one left in the lot, she'll grab it while she walks with me so a rogue cart doesn't damage someone's car. I couldn't do that once she was too big to sit in the cart.

I love being able to teach her new things. When she was younger, she would "help" me cook by eating little cuts of veggies that I'd place on the corner of the cutting board for her. As she grew up, she was old enough to use a butter knife to "cut" olives, start adding ingredients and stirring, use a sharp knife and basically function as my sous chef, then to cook with me as her sous.

And, eventually, they get to teach you too. We share a lot of crafts -- I've taught her to use a sewing machine, to embroider, to crochet. I've never been able to knit, though. She watched a few YouTube videos, worked it out on her own, then taught me to knit. We're now knitting each other a winter scarf.
@pentzbar000 My 2yo told me, completely unprompted, that he loves me and i am the best mummy. When he was a couple of months old, he would smell my breastmilk through my shirt while contact napping and smile in his sleep and mouth as if he was breastfeeding.
@pentzbar000 I wish I captured a video tonight of the hilarious and heart warming bedtime moment of my husband lying on his stomach on the floor and my 5 year old helping read a book to dad (has it memorized) while the 2 year old blew raspberry after raspberry (loudest fart sounds ever) on dad’s back loudly.
@pentzbar000 The hard parts suck and so you want to complain a lot. But the good stuff is amazing and hard to describe.
The little cooing noises a baby makes when they eat. The pride your kid learns to do something new. The joy in watching them grow. Getting to know this fun human. Watching them discover the world. When they are hurt and they turn to you. Being their safe place.
@pentzbar000 I've never loved anything more than I love being a mother. Are there hard times? Of course! But anything worth it isn't easy. I don't have a specific hobby or talent, I love my job but I wasn't DESTINED to do it. I never went to school for it, I just fell into the role I'm in through promotions within the same company. But I was MEANT to be a mom. There's not doubt in my mind. Watching your child grow from the cutest little blob to a feisty little thing with a huge personality is the coolest thing I've witnessed. And the love it like nothing I've ever experienced.
@pentzbar000 My baby is 14 months and love to give kisses. When she cuddles with me she now says “awww”. Those newborn stretches are the sweetest. I loved watching my daughter as a newborn and seeing how she probably moved in my belly! So scrunched up and tiny.

Parenting is the scariest but most amazing thing I’ve done so far in life.
@pentzbar000 I've had an overall positive experience. But it's hard to tell it as a story because it's just so unremarkable and boring xD

I've got a good relationship with my partner. My partners family is involved, but not too involved (they live a bit away), baby slept poorly for a while but nothing disastrous and I think that's a universal experience lol, otherwise they are healthy and happy.

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