Plus size C-section


New member
Hey all!! I am 31w tomorrow and at my last apt my OB brought up delivery options.

Around 20w baby was measuring 97th percentile. He dropped to 89th percentile but at my last apt at 29w he was back up to 93rd percentile. My OB and MFM are convinced we’re having a big baby.

With that, mixed with having gestational diabetes since 11w (diet controlled for meals, insulin controlled for fasting) she wants to induce at 39w and is suggesting a scheduled C-section.

She is by no means forcing it on me. She said we can go the vaginal route and if labor stalls then I’ll need to do a C-section. I am scared of trying labor, ending up doing a C-section and then having essentially double the recovery time because of that. I am also terrified of needing an emergency C-section.

To add on to the complications I also have an apron stomach so I’m worried about the incision for a C-section since my assumption is it’s under the apron part? Any advice or stories of positive experiences would be much appreciated as my OB wants a decision by my apt on Friday!
@married2aliar I was against having a c-section from the start of my pregnancy because I wanted to experience labor, but baby was breech so it was scheduled. Then she randomly flipped one night and it was canceled! I was induced a little shy of 38 weeks because of gestational diabetes and because my blood pressure got a little out of control towards the end.

I labored for over 30 hours, only to end up with a c-section anyway because labor stalled after baby flipped breech again in the middle of labor! She came out 7 pounds flat on a Monday morning, and I was home recovering by Wednesday afternoon. I have an apron belly too but had no issues recovering. I was most worried about the stairs in my house, but I had a great support system for the first few days home to help me rest and recover. I was walking around my neighborhood by that Friday with minimal pain. Every woman is different, so do whatever you think you can handle. That being said, my next baby will definitely be a planned c-section!
@dumachi Do they give you advice on how to keep your incision clean and healing well? I've been advised a C-section would be a terrible idea because of my belly and I'm so worried about it but then on here I keep reading accounts of plus size women having no issues at all!
@married2aliar I have an apron belly too and had no issue with c section recovery. I had a complicated delivery where I labored for 36 hours and wound up with a c section. He came out at 9 lbs and I’m very glad it wasn’t vaginal at that weight. Honestly, laboring with the induction and then winding up with a c section anyway left me feeling very defeated and exhausted. Maybe you can ask for another ultrasound closer to delivery to see an estimate of size?
@prospy Thank you for sharing your experience! I could imagine how exhausting and defeating that must have felt. I definitely think I will ask for one more growth scan before making the final decision. It just sucked because I asked if I decide to go vaginally and then want to switch to C-section when we get closer to delivery, can I and she said no due to the way scheduling works or something.
@married2aliar Hey! this is me, I just had my twin babies on 6/12 via C-section after my water broke at 37+4. I knew I would always be having a C-section mostly because baby boy was breech/transverse for the past month or so. I started this pregnancy about 250lbs and at the last weigh in I was at 299 (didn't break 300!) I also had GD diet controlled w/insulin for fasting, and an apron belly. Yes they do the incision as close to the pelvis as possible (so under the belly flap) my surgery was super easy. Even when it wasn't a scheduled C-section anymore, I was scheduled to have the surgery at 38 weeks, but seems like my little boy wanted to come 3 days early. They have complicated dissolvable sutures on the inside and the outside is closed with steri strips. Its been a week since I had my surgery and everything is staying clean, though the steri strips are getting pretty sticky. I keep it clean with just water when I shower, no creams/ointments/special sprays and my pain management is just Ibuprofen and Tylenol. If you have any specific questions, I'm happy to answer them.
@villeverte Thanks for sharing your experience and congrats on the twins! Glad to hear more in depth about the procedure! Did they give you a wound vac? My doctor mentioned that we’d do that and it’s supposed to help prevent infection. Did you use anything else in the area to soak up sweat or anything? That area can tend to get sweaty so I’m trying to think of how to keep it dry and clean
@married2aliar No wound vac, they gave me antibiotics prior to surgery and that's really it. I've been keeping it dry and clean myself, but not really touching the steri strips. Most of the swelling has gone down, so I'm finally able to pull up the belly and look at it without much trouble. Getting high waisted panties will help keep it clean, you won't have to worry about the seam running along that area. Not going to lie you're going to be bleeding for quite some time, so giant pads are helpful, this also keeps the area from getting damp. In the hospital they had a suture pad/wound pad thing. It looked like a rectangle of medical bandages that they put over it when I was there. I'm sure you can ask for a few of those to take home. It was pretty nice when I was there, but didn't think to ask for some.
@villeverte Good idea I’ll definitely ask for extra! Also super weird question but when you wear high waisted undies do you pull them over your apron stomach or under? I’ve always worn my pants/undies over my apron stomach which basically has left an indent where my pants go right above my belly button
@married2aliar I wear them over. Some low waisted underwear hit right along the "flap" and it's incredibly uncomfortable for me. So I just go for high waisted and go over the belly. The indent is unfortunately a part of having this type of belly. I have it too.
@married2aliar I did an induction and ended up with a c section. My healing wasn't terrible aside from the swelling from 3 days of fluids lol. My apron is huge to put it lightly. Everynight I would shower and spray it off my incision with water. My husband would then triple check it to make sure it was dry then we would take a pad, fold it in half and put it under the apron to soak up any sweat or fluids coming out. I never had an infection or anything it healed up nicely. This time I am opting for a c section right off the bat and my doctor wants to do a VAC on it which basically helps it close and has a drain on it lowering the chances of having an infection
@married2aliar I had gestational diabetes (just diet controlled) and was going to be induced at 38 weeks but due to a serious spike in blood pressure leading to pre-eclampsia I was induced at 34 + 5 weeks and after 2 days and baby's heart rate starting to dip after contractions, I had a c section. My recovery was good! I was up and out of bed walking pretty soon and daily walks to see my baby in the NICU helped with my recovery I think! I used Dove gentle scent free soap to wash my incision. I feel like I sweat a lot with my belly covering my scar so I had to make sure I wash it daily.
@married2aliar I was reading up on this yesterday in case I need to have a c-section. I delivered vaginally last time although was very close to an emergency c-section - they'd prepped theatre and were expecting me but luckily managed to get her out with forceps in the end!

Before my GD diagnosis they were confident that I could have a vaginal birth again although recommended an early epidural in case I needed an emergency c-section.

From the brief conversations I've had they are now looking at induction at either 38 or 40 weeks depending on how things are going (I'm solely diet controlled at the mo but that could change).

I also have an apron belly. Apparently the incision itself is fine as they hold your belly and cut underneath it. For recovery some people used maxi pads to keep the wound dry or you can get fold fabric from Best of luck!
@southbay1234 Oh I will look into the dry pads. I’m definitely back and forth on trying vaginally or just going straight to C-section. I almost feel like some will take going to a C-section as an “easy way out” even though it sounds far from easy. I just want to do what’s best for my baby
@married2aliar You have to do what's right for you.

After I had my first I had an episiotomy and the recovery from that was so difficult (it's not awful for everyone but my stitches came undone) that I was adamant I'd have a c-section next time around. I know mums who have had an elective c-section after having delivered vaginally for their first and have had a much better time recovering after the section.

Depending on the size of the baby I am going to try and deliver vaginally again but if my BMI was lower and I had a smaller stomach I'd definitely lean towards the section!
@married2aliar I have done two vaginal for babies 1+3, and in between a scheduled C-section for baby 2 (who was transverse/breech). I will definitely be continuing to plan on VBACs for any future babies, but the C-section went well too, and recovery wasn't awful.

If I do end up with another C sometime, I think I'll ask about a wound vac! And also, I did a gentle C-section with clear drape and holding/nursing baby ASAP and it was really lovely.