PLS sleep group

@nickseand I know habits take 21 days….. but I can’t imagine one month of even intensive help causing enough of a lasting change to be worth $350. Plus what if you don’t mesh well with the “support” families? That knocks out pretty much every one of their selling points.

I say this as someone who recommends their book to any and everyone too.
@nickseand I feel like most of the info you’ll receive is probably the same info you can find elsewhere online for free. Coming from a sleepless exhausted mom in the midst of the regression, I’d never pay 350$ for this
@nickseand I’ve read PLS and the things they seem to be promising are not things that anyone can actually promise. And $350 for 3 weeks?! Taken together, that sounds a lot like taking advantage of the desperation of sleep deprived new parents.