Plain given up on dating, but I don't feel too bad about it


New member
29 f with 2 boys :)

I've tried dating, and man it never seems to work well. My last relationship seemed great, but halfway through I found it even 30 year old men still are afraid of commitment 🤦‍♀️

At this point I look forward to just laying in bed alone to watch and do whatever I want to. I've had a few people ask me out but when it comes down to it, I just have 0 energy to participate in anything.

I hope soon I start to feel the spark in dating, but right now it just sounds exhausting. I'd love to have someone, but not just to have someone. I wanna find my best friend
@disciple2011 Take your time. I was quite intentionally single for almost a decade and it was the best gift I could have given myself. Tried again at the end of my thirties and lucked out, found a wonderful man.
@disciple2011 I gave up too and I've been single for 7 years now. It's a dumpster fire out there. But honestly, I love my peace and quiet, I still get 🍑, and I enjoy having my kid as my companion and forever restaurant date. No 100 hot dates can replace that. I truly think it is about perspective. You either choose to see the single life as something torturous and miserable or you realize that you can have fun all alone without dealing with anyone's mess. It's your call 🤷‍♀️ Me for example, the kiddo and I are traveling to South America next month and I am stoked! It's his second trip out of the country!
@redruthie7889 Wrote and erased sarcastic comments 3 times, but to be real, been single for 9 years and been on 2 dates, although it would be nice to have someone to eat dinner with at times, 99% of the time I’ve learned to be happy without anyone, going where and when I want, not answering to someone’s every question. Spend as much time with your child, they’ll be grown before you know it, and for the record, yeah Im a man