Pediatrician said baby sleep is abnormal

@nserchoftruth She sounds like a terrible mum and terrible paediatrician. Sorry, but CIO and basically everything she has said is just so so harmful and she’s also telling you that YOUR (fantastic) approach is harmful?! Please get a new doc! Btw agree with all the other comments saying you’re doing great, and nothing sounds abnormal at all. Your baby is lucky they have you and not some poor impressionable mum listening to the BS your paediatrician is saying ❤️
@nserchoftruth I deeply dislike when pediatricians say babies that young need to be sleeping through the night. Especially when they recommend CIO as well 🙃 It’s entirely normal for a baby his age to wake up multiple times. Hell, even my 14 month old wakes up pretty often still. Baby sleep isn’t a one size fits all and while some babies may sleep 6-8 hours straight, I feel like the majority do not.

When you put him to sleep at 6-6:30, is that a nap or is it night sleep? Do you want him to sleep longer than 5:30 am? Because if you do you could maybe push that bedtime back a little longer.

You could try night weaning, although it might be a tad early. I’m currently trying it with my daughter so fair warning, it’s HARD. I’m a SAHM but it might be extra hard considering you have to get up and work everyday. Be prepared to be getting up out of bed and walking/rocking your baby back to sleep instead of feeding/nursing. Your baby might get the hang of it quickly or be mad af like my daughter is. Although, she’s starting to get used to just falling back to sleep with the back pats I give her, which is nice.
@bibleteaching The 6-6:30 is for the night but if I had him nap, would I just wake him from like 7-9? Or what are your thoughts? 5:30 is early but I’ll just have him nap from 7-7:45 am before day care and that’s been working for the most part.
@nserchoftruth This was also our normal. My LO was still waking that often to comfort feed at that age. Their sleep isn’t full mature yet. I didn’t see “improvements” like 4 hour stretches until 9 months. Around 12 months is when i could finally lay him on the bed for independent naps or roll out from him at night to use the bathroom.
@nserchoftruth Lol! She’s wrong, sorry. He absolutely does not have to sleep through the night and can still wake for feeds. I coslept with my first until she was 33 months and nursed her as well. She frequently was looking to comfort nurse. My second is different, she’s 6 months as well. She cosleeps with me but doesn’t comfort nurse and will stir for milk maybe twice a night. All babies are different.
@nserchoftruth I’m 34 and last night I woke up twice to grab a drink of water. I couldn’t imagine if my husband rolled over and ignored me or completely blocked my ability to whet my throat 🙃

It always boggles my mind when doctors recommend this for literal infants. When there is a chance that they probably sleep next to a spouse or get up to pee or grab a drink or even (gosh forbid) they get up and they’re up for no reason. We are human and not robots who follow some rigid terrible schedule. My daughter is 27 months and she for the most part just started sleeping through the night but every now and again she will have a split night or struggle to go down. We do cosleep. But she sleeps, we sleep and sometimes we don’t and we are okay. Some days are surviving vs thriving but we have more thriving days than surviving. It sounds like you are doing great and meeting your baby’s needs. From one low sleep needs baby mama to another - it does get better and I always found just trusting my instincts often led to better results. You got this!!!
@apostolicfaithone1 Haha Amen to that! Seriously. I have always had a hard time sleeping and getting back to sleep as an adult - I can’t imagine a little baby trying! I appreciate your feedback. My husband felt torn and like we should sleep train with modified CIO after the appointment and I was devastated but he is very supportive and said “I’ll do whatever you decide. You are the Mom.” My gut says my LO will adjust when he is ready. Thank you for your support!!
@nserchoftruth I struggle with sleep too!! Including going back to sleep. I’m sorry that this has been so hard with difficult advice coming to you. I remember using the affirmation of “if my daughter wakes up at night there must be a biological reason.” Especially before 12 months with SIDS. I used to think “maybe your body needed you to wake up” and would sort of praise her 😅 idk I think that made the frequent wakings easier in a way 🤷🏻‍♀️ it helped me at least!

My husband is fanatical about not doing any sleep training and was my rock when things were tough. If you ever need some rocks feel free to message me or come on here! This community is literally so lovely.
@apostolicfaithone1 Oh gosh thank you so much!! That is so kind. I didn’t know where to go and thought I’d try this group and I’m so grateful for the support. I cried so hard yesterday and the comments from strangers all over have helped me see it’s not abnormal and he is just fine! 😭
@nserchoftruth I truly love this group. They’re so helpful. Someone on here helped when my daughter was taking like 2-3 hrs to put to sleep and then she was like up barely an hour later and it was a really rough period of time. They gave me an eye opening reason and we haven’t had any issues since. I am so grateful for this group.
@nserchoftruth My baby is six months old and night feeds in her sleep. If she can’t find my boob then she eventually wakes up crying. She’s been a Velcro baby since she was born so I think this is just her way of feeling close to me. I’ve learned to accept it even though her moving around at night wakes me up.
@nserchoftruth Ours is 25mo and still wakes at least twice thrice looking for the boob. He’s on one 90min now per day. Our pediatrician says nothing about CIO or anything, but maybe that’s because we’re living in Europe.
@nyjb I think that is why…I wish it was more accepted here because so many people do it anyway. It’s a very Western culture thing to recommend CIO and I honestly think it’s been pushed to get Mom’s back to work more quickly and we don’t complain we don’t get adequate paid leave 🤷‍♀️.