@brian77 Is the baby on a regular feeding schedule?
We are following the moms on call feeding schedule so that we generally know when our five week old will be eating. This makes it easier to know when he will be tired, since babies generally follow the eat-wake-sleep cycle. I always breastfeed at 9 am and 9 pm, even on crazy days, and we are slowly getting decent sleep from him at night.
I will attempt to not get on my soapbox about paternity leave and the bs that all of this is put on the woman and how everyone is screwed because of it. I am beyond lucky my husband has leave and is taking it with me.
Right now we split the night with one person sleeping in a separate room from the baby and the other with the baby. It’s getting weirder to schedule now that he is taking longer-ish stretches between feeds, but here is our general plan
Bedtime routine/bath
9 pm last night feed (breastfeed)
Put him down with lights out, sound machine on. My husband takes over and I go to bed. He sleeps when baby sleeps/if baby sleeps
12 bottle feed - this time we do a bottle because it’s my only chance of sleeping more than two/two and a half hours. Husband does bottle, puts baby back down to sleep. This has consistently been when baby gets best and longest stretch
3 am breastfeed now becoming 4 am feed - husband brings baby to me, i breastfeed and take over for the morning. Try to put baby down to sleep in pack and play next to me
6 am we have to be up because we have a toddler who gets up around this time. It’s getting hard here because baby is starting to sleep longer so we hate to wake him up before he needs to during what we still consider “night” sleep
***if baby isn’t sleeping for husband during his shifts, he gets me up mid way at 1:30. We haven’t had to so far and he has been able to sleep while baby sleeps at night for most of the times between feeds. We have to settle him occasionally, but he generally is going to sleep at night now. We tap in and trade off if not.
You could maybe do a flipped version of that where husband takes baby at late late night/early morning feeding so he gets a long stretch before working and gets up earlier, and you somehow get a stretch of sleep before the day? So you have baby at 9pm feed, 12pm feed, then maybe trade with husband at 3 or 4 for a bottle so you can go to bed immediately. Then you get baby when husband has to get ready for work.
During the day since I am feeding all the time husband does a lot of the diaper changes. We are also very lucky to have my parents near-ish so they come and help out most weekends.
I know that not everyone likes this, but I got the taking cara babies when I had my first and it honestly helped me a lot mentally. It wasn’t perfect but it taught me a bit about how to calm a baby down, how they fuss in their sleep and you should pause to make sure they are actually awake, and about sleepy cues. With my first I kept trying to feed her whenever she cried and I realized from tcb that she was crying because she was tired, not that she was hungry. The moms on call book was a gift from a friend and i liked their schedule for us, but some of their stuff is a bit too intense for me. I also wrote out my whole day by hour to make our current plan because I am a super visual person and my brain is barely working. We decided on a schedule and then wrote it out on a big piece of paper that is in our living room.
I say this all about eating because once we established an eating schedule the sleeping schedule became a lot more predictable. My son still fusses at night, we have to calm him down, it is not like we sleep fully between each feed, but we have a scheduled plan and that is what we both needed to not lose our minds.
I hope this helps! I did not start out meaning to write this much. Oops. But Im also going to add - Last time with our first we did not have leaves at the same time and we also split the night. Just having that clear time of having responsibility or having a break helped us a lot. I really suggest sitting down together and making a plan with compromises for each other. We are a team and this shit is so hard, and if we don’t make a plan and decide on clear responsibilities I think we would be so resentful of each other.