Painful sex 9 wks after c section getting worried


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I had a c section delivery. Me and my partner got the green light 6 weeks post partum to have sex and it hurt so bad. The pain is like burning, stinging and dry even with a bunch of lubrication.

I’m now 9 wks PP and we decided to try again and it still hurt, if anything it was worse. Can someone please let me know about their experience getting back to having sex after a c section delivery and if this is normal? I’m a little down I’m not working properly and would like to know how long this May last.

Thank you
@makerkent That’s still so early. My husband and I tried to build back stamina at around 3 months. And even then, my OB prescribed me an estrogen cream to help with my hormones.

I would also recommend pelvic floor therapy. If you don’t have access to a therapist, you can Google some exercises.
@makerkent not to scare you but it took me a full year to have sex that wasn't at all painful and it really timed up with me not breastfeeding as often.
@makerkent The hormonal changes with breastfeeding are similar to menopause in a lot of ways. Call your OB, because they can prescribe a vaginal estrogen cream that should help (though they’ll likely want to rule out infections first of course, things like yeast and BV aren’t STIs but can cause some symptoms and need to be treated).
@makerkent 2nd vote for pelvic floor therapy here! I had this same issue - I naively thought I wouldn't have this issue because I didn't deliver vaginally, but the muscles have still been under immense pressure and became too tight. My pelvic floor physio recommended a better lubricant and she so gave me this wand thing to stretch and massage the muscles. You definitely don't just have to live with this.
@queenvictoria93 So I had pelvic floor PT while breastfeeding (operative vag delivery) and it definitely helped with pain. You should also be able to get a prescription estrogen cream that provides local estrogen to your vaginal walls to help with dryness/thinness. You don’t have to suffer, whether it’s hormones or muscles or both!
@jluponeage Thanks! I’ll have to look into getting the PT in my area. I think I’ve heard that cream can affect milk supply and I’m already barely a just enougher so I’m nervous about getting it!
@queenvictoria93 Yep I was breastfeeding and that's definitely part of it. The better lubricant helped with the hormonal dryness and I was going to consider and estrogen cream if the lube and the wand didn't solve the issue.

I've also realised I said my comment " yo do just have to live with this" but meant you DON'T just have live with this! Ugh. Have edited to correct it
@makerkent I’m 8 months pp after a vag delivery and still have the exact pain you’re describing. It’s horrible! Are you breastfeeding? I’ve learned that it can be the hormones from that.
@makerkent Years ago I had my first v birth, but tampons and getting intimate hurt me. I went to my OB and he referred me to pelvic floor pt and it changed my life!!
@makerkent It took 7 months for it not to be painful for me. It aligned with when I got my period back. Breastfeeding causes you to be really dry which makes it uncomfortable. But it gets better!
@makerkent You should get checked out by the Dr again. I had trouble getting back into it even 12 weeks postpartum and thought things just weren't ready down there but it turned out I had a yeast infection! Got a prescription, it went away, things were fine. Always good to check with a Dr just in case.
@makerkent Girl, you are brave for even trying to get intimate at 9weeks. I had a c-section as well and didn’t even consider s** until like 3-4 months PP lol I was so scared and icked by the whole thing (FTM). Intimacy was the last thing on my mind.

Now, at 19m PP, When I sneeze it still hurts…but intimacy has not been an issue.
@makerkent I felt the same way when we tried sex at about 8 weeks pp, I’m 10 weeks now and terrified that it’ll hurt again. I’m also breastfeeding and I know the hormones released during lactation and similar to menopause :(