Overweight w 2nd pregnancy, when did you see your first “pop?”


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I’m 15.5W pregnant w my 2nd, started this pregnancy at 190lbs. My first pregnancy I started 30lbs lighter and was able to hide my pregnancy until 20+W if I remember correctly. I all of a sudden had a pop over the last few days where I very much look fat as well as pregnant, like-the fat no longer redistributes when I sit/move in certain ways, my belly just sticks out all the time. It’s a lot harder to hide this pregnancy now (I wanted to wait until anatomy scan in 3 weeks to really tell people). Anyone else have this same experience with their second pregnancy? Also, for those who are further along…how much bigger did you get with your 2nd pregnancy vs your first?
@onlyway019 I got a pop around 15/16 weeks as well. I'm 22 weeks today and it's still kinda subtle, but identifiable as a bump. I'm honestly wondering how big and noticeable of a bump I'll end up with!
@onlyway019 I’m 250 lbs, some people still don’t know I’m pregnant but my upper belly is rounded and hard now at 28 weeks. I can definitely tell. But I am sure I’ll pop at some point during this last trimester
@onlyway019 I am currently 18 weeks pregnant and am 250lbs. I feel like I started to notice the top of my stomach expanding and getting rounder around 16 weeks, and I really started to feel pregnant around then. I wouldn’t say that I am really showing a lot yet, but def notice slight changes in my belly for sure.