Our 16 day old son is an extremely hungry boy. He just drank about 130-130mL of Enfamil Gentlease


New member
Is that too much?? I just stopped to give him a minute to breathe and he’s still desperately searching my chest for more (sorry bubba, adoptive mom boobs don’t work like that 😕). Our pediatrician said today that 120 ish is fine but I’m wondering if I’m doing something else wrong.

We feed him pretty much exactly every 2 hours so it’s not like we are going long stretches between bottles.

EDIT: as I’m writing this he’s trying to eat his bib ☹️
@mirchev My son was the same way! He drank every bottle like he'd never had a meal in his life. He could polish off close to 40oz of formula a day. My pediatrician said as long as I wasn't forcing the issue, was trying to see if it was something else and he wasn't spitting up full feeds, it was fine. He's 17months now and eats 5 solid meals a day so some things never change. 🤣 Just make sure you give him a break in the middle to burp and I think you'll be good! Good luck!
@godchaser007 Ah! Thank you! Ok good I’m starting to relax. I was about to start googling satiety diseases- like what if his body doesn’t recognize that he’s full? like goldfish lol
@mirchev 16 days is about when my daughter started cluster feeding. Lasted for 4 days. Maybe it’s his initial growth spurt? Or he will be a fantastic eater 😉 congrats on the new baby!!
@devorgilla That could make sense because he is definitely rapidly evolving lol. Between last Thursday and yesterday he gained a full pound. I thought cluster feeding was just feeding small amounts in frequent bursts. I didn’t realize it was large amounts too!
@mirchev Literally sitting here with a 16 day old boy who I feel like has done nothing but eat all. Damn. Day. Today.

From what I’ve read, if they’re hungry, feed them! He’s my first so I could be wrong. I think babies hit a growth spurt around 2 weeks or so as well. Know that I’m in this boat with you currently lol
@t8erbug Ha! Welcome to my boat! Glad I’m not alone.

Since we are in such similar situations I should tell you- I just discovered that I assembled my Baby Brezza wrong, so I’ve been feeding my poor boy watery formula all day ☹️
@t8erbug So we just opened it yesterday but we had to take it apart and wash it this afternoon because we switched formulas. I didn’t read the directions closely about how to assemble the orange mixing parts. I just sort of layered them on top of each other without clicking them into place. My husband had cleaned the machine and left the parts out to dry so when feeding time came around, I was already pushing my son’s patience and I was exhausted. It was like solving a Rubik’s cube with a tiny drill sergeant screaming at me lol
@mirchev Those things are pretty easy to mess up. Also make sure you set the dial for the correct brand formula because different brands have different size grains. Eventually we stopped using ours because it was just easier to mix on demand.
@mirchev Both of my kids have been the same.
Feed to his cues, make sure you burp him (sometimes they can mix up the signals for “I need to burp” and “I need more food” and keep looking for food and make it worse, then end up vomiting), and as long as he’s not throwing up what you feed him - you’re all good.
If baby is hungry, baby needs food.

You’re doing an amazing job.
@savedgirl 💙💙💙
Oh my kid DEFINITELY mixes up those cues. My husband doesn’t seem to believe me, but I can see it in his face language when he’s got a gas bubble trying to come one of his ends. Nobody thinks about eating WHILE they are farting.
@mirchev Same here. We were up to 120-150mls by week 2 every 2-3 hours. He started on the 9th and is now 9MOs and on the 75th percentile. He likes his milk and food!

With the boob hunting mine could never latch onto me so we EFF. However he could latch onto dad like a champ! We used to use it as a hunger cue!
@mirchev My babes did this, would eat and eat and eat, try offering a pacifier and if he takes it with no protest he may just be looking to have his non nutritive sucking needs met :) best of luck!!
@mirchev My third is like that. He was eating 1.5x more than he should have when we were in the hospital. He didn’t spit it up, and tolerates it just fine so I wasn’t worried. He’s 10 months now, and still can down a bottle pretty fast and frequent.

I would say as long as baby doesn’t spit it all up, and you take frequent burping breaks, baby is fine to eat that much.

You’re doing great!
@mirchev My daughter is like this, she’s been eating nearly 40 oz (1180 mL) per day since she was a couple months old.

She’s very tall and growing like a weed.

She’s larger than most babies twice her age.

I wouldn’t worry about it, they’re really just guidelines. They lean out when they’re toddlers and suddenly become picky anyways.
@mirchev I doubt it's too much. From what I've been told by many moms, boys are typically always hungry and eat a lot. My friend breastfed both of her daughters completely, but when she had her son she couldn't keep up with his demand and had to give him formula, too.

I would just ask the pediatrician, just to be certain, but I wouldn't be worried. I just had my first, a girl, and was concerned about the same thing before. I've learned to simply make sure she eats so many times a day and she can eat anywhere from 5 to 8 ounces, or even just 4 ounces. I'd just let him eat as much as he wants, see how he handles it and go from there.