Opinions on nudity in the household

@nonaffiliated Im sure that if company comes over you have a plan in place, and im sure that also depends how familiar they are. I see nothing wrong at all with your decision. Were your parents nudists? This country needs to normalize nudity.
@nonaffiliated I grew up with very hippy parents. They were very “body positive” and we would go to clothing optional beaches ect. But in hindsight, when I reflect on my childhood, I wanted more privacy. I didn’t want to see naked adults. And I had no way to communicate that to my parents because in a way they just expected me to be “adult” about bodies. I think parents think “oh we talk about this so it’s ok” but sometimes kids can’t always communicate their actual feelings about stuff like this for whatever reason. Just my two cents.
@nonaffiliated I’m 33F and 9M, and recently my son has wanted his privacy. Getting into the shower, or changing in his room he much prefers doing behind closed doors and I have began putting in similar boundaries as he is getting older.

We definitely relax in boxer shorts around the home!
@nonaffiliated It’s perfectly okay at home. When it’s just you two because you guys understand. I don’t think others would especially Americans 😂. In France, nudity is super normal 😆
@nonaffiliated Honestly, nudity and sexuality in my opinion should both be embraced and openly acceptable. Why are we demonizing and sheltering our children from something that from the dawn of time has been the only way to ensure survival of a species most importantly. It's something that is proven to improve yourself both mentally and physically, not to mention the fact that we as adults all already know what people look like unclothed, and for the most part find it enjoyable or at least not a nuisance seeing others naked so why give the children a negative outlook on it and start them off in the wrong direction in the first place. And if we quit trying to hide to have sex maybe when kids get to that hormonal age they'll be actually prepared instead of goin from zero to 69 all at once
@nonaffiliated I’m a 56 yo single mom of a now 17 yo daughter. We’ve always been nudie nudertons in this house! She showered with me until she was a about 8, and we co-slept most nights until she was 10. You will BOTH naturally want to make adjustments as your child gets older, because they will want more privacy and you’ll need to plan on always knocking before entering their room once they hit age 11 or 12… and probably should prepare yourself for when they don’t want ANY hugs or affection or “I love yous” (heartbreaking, earth shattering, sad mommy days for me!). Nowadays, we are mostly t-shirts and undies, in this house, and the teenaged angst has chilled out a teensy bit as my kid has been learning to drive, is applying for jobs, thinking about graduation next year, etc. Anyway, my point is that you have to talk and talk and talk about all this stuff openly and without shame/weirdness so that when they are going through the middle school to high school years - YOU survive the changes. Hugs mama, you’ve got this!!
@nonaffiliated I’m not a single parent. But I’m a 27f with a 2m and infant daughter. My husband often chills in his boxers and I wear a tshrit with underwear no bra when it’s just us. I think that’s normal. Obviously clothes would be one if we had guests.
@nonaffiliated I do this with my daughter. I think it creates healthy ideas of the human body. Growing up as a kid I felt shame or like I had to hide my body due to insecurity. I think doing this could help display body confidence and body positivity which is so important for young girls in this day and age. There’s always room for conversation and if my daughter were to tell me she felt uncomfortable I would apologize and make the necessary changes.
@nonaffiliated I don’t know if you’re religious, but if you’re not sure, pray on it. Talk to Jesus about it. It’s your household and you should feel comfortable since God originally made Eve without clothing, but because of sin, it feels shameful because the world has corrupted it.
@nonaffiliated I think when the kids are of the same sex, then it’s totally fine in the confines of your house! So hear me out, I have a 4 year old son, and I still get dressed in front of him. He is my stinkin shadow and follows me everywhere. But recently I’ve begun to think I need to keep my nakedness away from him. Can you give any feedback about that, when you have opposite sexes involved? Btw, I’m a single mom (their dad died).
@nonaffiliated I dont think its un healthy. Its good to let your body breath with out clothes. I was raised the same way with my brother and sisters mom and dad kept their adult parts covered when we were kids. As we grew older and started developing man parts/woman parts then mom had her talk and dad gave his speech. We didnt think oh look theres a nakid girl/boy. It was just another day in our home. I still walk around the house nakid and dont care. And raising my 2 youngest boys the same way if they choose to be that way. Its their choice.