Opinions on nudity in the household

@josh1992 Have a talk with them and see if they are un comfortable. If they dont care then keep doing it. As long as you can have open dialog with and they start to change their feelings, be comfortable
@nonaffiliated In my opinion as long as everything is framed with a positive body image you be you. Give her the chance to be her. 41m here. I've had some real major ups and downs with my body. I may not have been happy to show it, but in circumstances where I was less clothed I didn't hide it. I did ask them for privacy. They've seen my loose a lot of weight and try to avoid hoodies to hide in. So now they went from seeing me avoid skin to being comfortable in a Tshirt or even less.
We tried to couch it in respect. Their body is theirs. They are welcome to make the choices that make them feel good. Wearing this and liking this style of clothes vs not liking x style of clothes or preferring to be less garbed or more garbed.
My son prefers shorts. I don't. My daughter prefers dresses or long pants or really comfy shorts. My ex wife has different tastes. My son liking shorts would complian he was cold when the ac was on. We would explain it's tx, you chose to wear shorts, we aren't turning off the ac, adapt to your style of clotheing (is get a blanket or wear different clothes for the right environment. The world isn't going to warm up just because you want to wear shorts).
In the end we want them to be happy with them and their body.
My daughter is approaching teens, so for me especially as a male I've backed off a lot. I make sure to knock on her door always before entering. I let her know if I would like a hug or let her make the first move for most physical affection. That's both a part of her personality and her getting older.

I will say this. I think we've had success because when they need to shower they will walk around the house full in buck naked for like 10 minutes, whether the blinds are open or not. No matter how much I ask them to pay attention.

That could be a situational awareness issue, but I'll take it as innocence and body positivity.

If you are helping them have a bed rock of body love and self positivity, then let 'em swing!
They will likely let you know if/when they need some changes.
@nonaffiliated So long as there's no bad urges there's nothing wrong about being comfortable in your own home and teaching your kid that's okay too. So long as there's healthy boundaries and nothing bad is being encouraged it's perfectly fine.
@natsschlief Just general creepiness, I thought the negative implications spoke for themselves.. I don't know how groomers and pedophiles move so I don't want to narrow it down to one specific behavior.
@nellie1234 So you have to add in not once, not twice, but three times that it is ok for mom to be naked in front of her daughter as long as she is not a groomer? Insinuating the possibility that she is. I hope op took it as genuine concern, but I personally would have found it incredibly inappropriate, insulting, and presumptuous. I was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt that that wasn’t what you meant.
@natsschlief Couple things that I want to respond with very respectfully:
1. Context. I didn't just randomly suggest op is a groomer. Op posted asking the question is partial nudity appropriate infront of a small child. So me pointing out that it's fine so long as there ARENT groomer tendencies going on isn't a blatant insult to their character or a wild response. It's simply my take on the subject that yeah walking around in underwear is fine so long as you aren't being weird.
  1. I said it as many times as I did to reiterate my point. It was for emphasis not implication. If you inferred something I didn't say then I'm sorry but I'm not responsible for your interpretation of my direct words.
  2. And i really dont want you to think im trying to be mean about anything but, if You're not op then I don't care for the benefit of your doubt. I said what I said and thats how I feel about it. If it offends you that I think nudity is alright but groomer behavior is bad and that parents should watch how they interact with their child in their house so they can Avoid it, then that's an Insecurity you need to explore on your time and not something you should try to attack me for or doubt what my intentions were. I didn't mean it as an insult so you shouldn't take it as one. Especially if I wasn't talking to you.
@natsschlief So I said it twice. It was only brought up a third time when you asked me what I meant. So if any thing the third time I said it was directly your fault. Unless you wanted me to change my answer when you pushed.
@nonaffiliated I think if everyone in the household is the same gender it’s probably ok. Maybe better to get a sleep bra to wear though? Kids do tell all at school, so it’s up to you if you’re willing to have your lifestyle out… and also consider social impact for the child as well. Kids can be pretty cruel and parents - judgmental.
@nonaffiliated I think that it's way more normal in certain cultures like I've heard that Sweden and Denmark they take saunas naked with the whole family and it's no big thing at all even if the kids are grown (not a verified fact just something I read in a book about someone who moved from UK to Denmark). The French have nude beaches. Lots of cultural norms different from the U.S.. Me personally I find nothing wrong with it right now my son's are 2 and 3. When they're older I probably won't change in front of them but bra and underwear is like a bathing suit so whatever. If they were girls I definitely wouldn't stress about nudity unless THEY were uncomfortable with it.
@nonaffiliated My mom used to do this and it gives me the ick just remembering it. A sport's bra or loose t-shirt never hurt no one imo, but being forcibly confronted with nudity has at least made me feel very uncomfortable. I don't have issues with nudity today, but I do with my mother, as not respecting boundaries (even implicit ones) is a big theme for her.
@nonaffiliated Personally … I would not want to see my family members naked, and would not feel comfortable seeing them naked. In other countries, it may be more acceptable. As the kids get older, they may want more privacy. In the US, I would also be leery about the kids discussing family nudity in school.
@nonaffiliated If you or the child are uncomfortable that’s the time to look at change.
I grew up in a household of minimal clothes and nudity, dad need to wear underwear and mum can be naked, that’s my comfort level now, mum has watched me birth 1 baby and walked into 1min post birth with another.
My 7 year old asks to shower with me, we are currently changing clothes in the lounge next to the heater. I have a 1 year old and baby and I’ll do the same with them.
@nonaffiliated I'm living with my parents and no one locks the bathroom lol. We burst in when someone takes a shower or sits on the toilet. No big deal. Sure, when I was a teenager that was a bit different but that changed back to who cares as I got older. 😂
My son turns 4 soon and we shower together. I'm curious when he wants to stop.