Once incompetent cervix, always incompetent cervix?


New member
TW: mention of miscarriage, and healthy pregnancy

Let me first preface this with my history..

My first pregnancy (now almost 6 years old) went amazing, no issues throughout that I know of, born healthy at 38 weeks (last ultrasound I had was 20 weeks) . Then I had a missed miscarriage at 16 weeks, baby had stopped growing and measured at 11 weeks, had a D&C.. then immediately got pregnant again, had another miscarriage at 5 weeks, then got pregnant again, mostly healthy pregnancy (now is 3 years old) (last ultrasound was at 20 weeks) but was walking around 4 cm dilated for a month before she was born around 38 weeks.. then I got pregent again (almost 2 years old) and had an ultrasound at 20 weeks, everything fine.. moved and went to a new practice and they wanted their own ultrasound at 24 weeks and that’s where the caught the incompetent cervix, it was 0.3cm and funneling, and was immediately rushed to the hospital on strict bedrest for a month, too late for the stitch and eventually got sent home and gradually weaned off bedrest and “back to normal” until she was born at 36 weeks..

So that’s my history… crazy journey.. well now we are pregnant again, really wanting to finish our family with this last one. I’m currently 8 weeks 5 days pregnant. Since I had the short cervix last pregnancy is it expected I will most likely have it again this pregnancy? Or is every pregnancy different? Maternal fetal medicine group told me that I may of had this issue with all of my pregnancies but since I didn’t have an ultrasound past 20 weeks it was never caught or it could be the fact that the last pregnancies are so close together (they are only 17 months apart)…anyone dealt with incompetent cervix? what has been your experience? Had you had an incompetent cervix for one and not for proceeding pregnancies or once you had it, you always had that issue? … just trying to prepare myself because my last pregnancy was really rough and it makes me nervous about this one..