OH mY gOd yOu'Re sO bIG!


New member
I'm 15 weeks pregnant with my second baby and never quite lost the bump after my first, so I look like I'm showing quite prominently. People (mostly my mum, but others also) seem to take great joy in telling me how HUGE I am, my dates MUST BE wrong, surely there isn't just ONE baby in there?

It isn't hard folks. Just stop commenting on other people's bodies. It really is that simple.
@knish Opposite for me - "oooh you have a tiny bump! I was MASSIVE!"

Que weeks of worrying my baby wasn't growing properly (he is)
@ugaris I don't think people realise (care?) how much anxiety their words can create. I'm a midwife and I find it amazing that so many of my colleagues are commenting on my size!
@ugaris Yup! I got twins and people always look confused and say “you sure?” Like yeah I’m pretty sure there are two heartbeats every time I go in for an ultrasound…
@ugaris Same!!! Im 37 weeks tomorrow and all pregnancy long I've heard "you're so little" "you're bump is so small" "I can't believe how little it is compared to so and so who's a couple months behind you" like first, I'm tall, have big boobs, and have broad shoulders. Second...what's your point?! My baby was in the 83rd percentile when I went for my 20 week scan so she's definitely not little. At least when my bf goes "omg your belly is HUUUUGGGEEEE" I don't get mad about it now lmao it's become the validation I need at this point 😅 I just don't understand why people feel the need to comment on sizes. Like why not "oh your belly is so cute!" Why make it about size? It's made me feel like I'm doing something wrong sometimes
@ugaris Same here. 27 weeks pregnant and you can barely tell. I voiced my concerns to my NP yesterday and she measured me. She said I’m growing healthily but we can always do another US in a few weeks to check the growth if I don’t “pop” by then 🤣
@ugaris Amen to this! I had to convince people I was actually pregnant until I was almost 25 weeks. I'm 29 weeks now and still get comments about how small I am.

It's true, I am small. I have gained ZERO weight (like not even 100 grams) since my last OB appointment a month ago and I'm barely 5 kg heavier than my pre pregnancy weight. I also am pretty tall and all torso so bub has plenty of room I guess.

Bub is measuring 80th percentile and has been right on track the whole time.

Doesn't stop me stressing out every time someone says that I'm tiny though. Yeah, I know, I look at myself every day.
@ugaris I totally get this... I didn't get a bump at all, 23w my daughter stopped growing, she started again but very slowly, then my waters broke at 30w with no labour, had her via c-section due to her cord and the placenta not working properly at 36+5. The cord and placenta were a little less then half the size they should've been for the gestation.

I was terrified from 23w and the comments did not help. My daughter was born 3.3lbs very small but very healthy, she was in nicu for a few weeks souly bc she couldn't regulate her temp. I feel like I got extremely lucky, still doesn't take away the fear I felt, and even now she's so tiny I'm worried. And people constantly "she's so tiny" "she's not 10 months old"....
@knish I had a TON of this during my pregnancy. I just find it so odd that people feel they have an open invitation to talk about your body since you’re pregnant?! I think people were just surprised to see me like that because now that I’m about to deliver people say the opposite like “you’re all belly”

Bottom line, people are full of shit lol
@faithful39 It's the doubling down that gets me. If I defend myself or say baby is growing normally I'm met with further insistent comments. Take a hint you pricks?
@knish My dad does the same thing, I’m 34 weeks with twins and he’ll be like “Oh you’re as wide as you are tall!” And he thinks it freaking hilarious. So I feel ya
@afamilyundergod I find it so much worse when it's from my family. Strangers I can occasionally snap back at but I've tried everything with mum - being visibly upset, confronting, having a calm conversation and she still does it. We see her a lot so there's no escape. My only option is to suck it up and pretend I'm ok.