Nursing to Sleep Q: Are you Burping your Baby?

@evall Less and less as she gets older (7 months now), but I also tried to follow her cues. If she is sleeping peacefully I don’t burp, if wiggly and struggling to fall asleep I burp her and then sometimes feed more to sleep or rock her to sleep
@miullawd Nice to hear this, I would say I’ve been doing the same these days. Trying to go off her cues. However I find that I’m afraid to miss some sneaky gas…not sure why? Some PRSD /”post-reflux stress disorder” perhaps?? Lol
@evall Aww yeah I feel that too. Sometimes if I’m worried I’ll rock her/walk around with her upright sleeping on my chest and that’s enough to get her to burp without disturbing her too much, I wanna say after 3/4 months or so it sometimes worked without actually patting her back
@evall There is a trick my doula showed me that worked 99% of the time: when baby is done nursing, be sure to support their head and neck very firmly with one hand (the one opposite to the arm they are laying on) and then move your arm to bring them to an almost sitting position. You can do this very slowly and discreetly (mine never woke up in process). He would burped almost immediately, and if not I would just bring a bit further into “sitting” and that was it.

This was perfect for night feeds, but I used it almost every time during the day as well.
@evall Sometimes. It's like you said a hard decision. Sometimes she will get really wriggly and fussy until she burps. Other times just leaving her lying down let's her sleep so I don't have to rock her back to sleep. It's like a catch 22.

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