Sleep training V. Nursing to sleep

@tongdtbds3 So I’m still nursing my 16 mon old to sleep. In daycare or with daddy she sleeps without issues (meanwhile) without nursing. What we needed was a routine everyone stuck to and me teaching he that she could sleep without the nipple in her mouth. I slowly started to unlatch her earlier and earlier. When she demanded the boob back she got it back, but she slowly and softly learned to settle without it. Once she had it down, it was way easier for everyone involved. Of course there are difficult days, but mostly no complaints. It took us and especially her about 7 weeks to get used to it. So give yourself some time :)

Btw I would not recommend sleep training that early. In that age I don’t think it’s suitable. There are alternativ options for that age group. Also it’s 4 months regression time, it’s very normal that other ppl have a hard time to put him down.
@tongdtbds3 My baby nurses to sleep with me and my husband has no problem getting naps in the baby carrier or rocking to sleep.

At first it was harder for him when I started working, but they both just had to get used to it and figure out a different way. Of course they are all different, but I highly recommend your caregivers try for carrier naps if they haven't already, and to be patient, it took time for my lo to get used to it, but he did!

It may have also helped us that my husband shares bedtime duties anytime he's available - we do it together - husband reads to baby, then rocks until lo is calm, then I nurse to sleep. if baby doesn't fall asleep nursing, husband will rock him more and put him down. I think this really helped them both - husband is confident in the process, baby is used to falling asleep with dad.

You don't have to stop doing it your way, your caregivers just have to learn to do their own ways of comforting and supporting lo to sleep!

Finally, if it's taking 30 min to fall asleep, lo is likely just not tired enough - anytime nap isn't happening within about 10 minutes, just stop trying, go have some play time or go for a walk, and try again in 30 min.
@ab2015 I think she’s definitely tired as she gives us her cues. I really believe she truly fights it sometimes. She hates being read to because she doesn’t like to be still. It used to be that I could never put her down for a nap the same way twice in one day. We’d do a carrier nap and then that wouldn’t work again for the rest of the day lol. I’d lay down with her for a nap, rock her for another and nurse to sleep for another. Then here recently at around 3.5 months she began only napping with nursing to sleep and no other methods would work. So it wasn’t like I have never tried to put her to sleep other ways, but I think nursing to sleep has become a habit along with the four month sleep regression. I do agree though that husband needs to participate more and let baby get used to him while I can help by associating a song, butt pats, etc.
@tongdtbds3 I nurse to sleep but my LO will fall asleep without problem walking him in a stroller or walking around outside while babywearing.

He also wakes up easily, when something changes, though so the best bet is to keep walking for the entire nap time
@morganlee I so wish my daughter would fall asleep in the stroller. She hates it. She has always fought naps. Even with me when nursing to sleep she fights them. She likes her carrier but gets fussy when she gets tired.
@tongdtbds3 I nursed to sleep for…a long time. 2 years maybe? Baby did fine in daycare situations and usually did ok when I wasn’t home. He’s 13 now. And sleeps well. Just a note from the other side of babyhood
@dorcas_12 Thank you for your comment. That makes me feel better. This evening, I had my husband try to put her down for a nap. After 15 mins I took over but didn’t nurse to sleep. It took me another 15 min and a pacifier and a rocking chair but it worked. I think my husband just needs to work on it more instead of instantly blaming me. But anyway, baby steps and I’m still going to nurse her to sleep but I may try to continue 1-2 naps a day not doing that.
@tongdtbds3 That sounds like a good plan…it gets very tricky with husbands too for so many reasons. You are totally within the realm of normal. Nursing to sleep is a really sweet time.
@tongdtbds3 my son is a, how do i put this nicely…difficult sleeper. hes 1.5 still nurses to sleep and has to lay with me. however for his nanny he will lay down on his own in a crib and fall asleep without crying.. they will do different things for different people!
@tongdtbds3 4 month olds barely sleep for mom! Honestly do what you are comfortable with. If you want to nurse to sleep, keep doing it. Baby will adjust to grandma and dad nap routines. Just takes time. I nursed all 3 of my boys for naps and bedtime and dad obviously did not once I returned to work.