No one takes birth trauma and current financial state seriously

@lisajaner I swear ppd/PPa and psychosis has to be sleep deprivation. People don’t have a “village” like when extended families all lived in the same town and most women didn’t work. It’s hard when you don’t have anyone to watch the baby so you can nap after a rough’s just you and/or partner, every day with no break in site. We’ve had three child free nights since be was 20 months. He’s slept all night six times in two weeks lately which was heaven, even tho he’s up by 5:30am. Then he got COVID and hasn’t slept more than 1-2 hours long without waking up for the last week. Anytime sleep gets better, something happens..sickness, teething. If he slept we’d prob have 100 kids but husband and I can not do this again we’re physically and mentally exhausted. He’s a painter and I work 12 hour shifts as a staff nurse in a psych hospital. I feel you!!!
@lisajaner Episiotomy.
Three cuts.
No pain relief cos it all happened so fast... well I had gas and air...
If anybody says I'd forget (on top of the actual agony of birth) - I shall offer to cut their taint open THRICE and see how long it takes for them to forget.