No clue what to get toddler for Christmas

@toni2u We got a crazy fort for our kids a few years ago. It's sticks and ball joints. We added 2 flat sheets and plastic clamps from the dollar store, and they use it all the time! It was one of our best gifts.
@kievonn My three year olds favorite toys are legos and wooden blocks. He had plenty of other toys but those are the two he plays with every day.

We have the wooden blocks from Melissa and Doug that are colorful and have different shapes.
@kievonn Kiddo turns 3 not long after Christmas. We're getting him some Brio train set pieces. Not battery operated. Durable. Easy to find used and still in great shape.
@kievonn I delegated this to my wife who loves this shit but I checked the list for you.

Various knock off brio bits and pieces

Some more Yoto cards

A scooter (get a bike helmet too)

A balance bike

Playfoam shape and learn letter sounding kit (no me neither)

Various hungry Caterpillar books

Orchard tree games (basically Introductory board and card games)

She already has a yoto player and play kitchen as others suggested.
@prayermike4316 Someone else commented about the brio pieces, do you know if the knock off will connect with the name brand?

Does she have a brand of balance bike in mind?

Can I ask why various of the same book?

@kievonn I’m not the above person, but they have a range of books featuring the hungry caterpillar now. Like we were gifted one that was something like “The Hungry Caterpillar Loves Summer.”
@kievonn We haven't bought anything yet, but I've thought about it a bit. We are trying to move towards: something you want, something you need, something to wear, something to read.

So for us it might be:
Magnatiles (highly recommend if you don't already have them).
Craft supplies (almost out of paint)
Cozy sweatshirt and/or slippers
Search and find book or some other kind of activity book.

Stocking stuffers will be small items - candy, tattoos, stickers, and glitter glue/crafty something.

When others have asked us, I point out that our most used toys are craft related items, magnatiles, she loves bluey and Pokemon, etc. things like that. Otherwise think off season and ask for outdoor toys.

2/3 year olds are excited to get just about anything.
@yoshs Oh I’ve heard of those magnet toys. Do you know if it’s true that the off brands don’t hold up?

Temp tattoos are definitely going on the stocking list, thank you so much!
@kievonn We have Picasso tiles and they have survived a year so far with no signs of wear. I can't even think of what a child would have to do to break them - she's definitely given them a good bang and toss here and there and they are fine.
@kievonn We’ve been gifted both Picasso tiles and Magnatiles and not only have the Picasso tiles held up but they work with the Magnatiles as well