Neosure for full-term, normal weight baby?


New member
Have any of you used NeoSure for a full-term, normal weight baby?

I went against common parent wisdom and bought a case of NeoSure during the initial COVID hoarding mania in March. This was after getting result for my ultrasound that my second baby was measuring small again. With my first kid, she had intrauterine growth restriction. I was induced at 37 weeks to give her a chance to do better outside the womb. Emergency C-section, NICU, NeoSure for fortifying breastmilk and supplementation...I went through all that and so am familiar with this specific formula.

My second child was born in June. Luckily his measurement kept up in utero. He was full term, still on the smaller side but nothing compare to my first child. He's gaining weight fine with breastmilk and occasional bottles of Similac pro advance when I don't make enough.

I am having a hard time selling the NeoSure on Facebook Marketplace, BST group. eBay and Mercari won't allow it. So I am thinking of just using the NeoSure for my baby.

I did some research and found mixing instructions from various hospital NICUs that indicate mixing in more water would yield 20cal/oz, which is the same caloric value per volume as regular formula and breastmilk.

Of course, I will confirm with his pediatrician first (in about 10 days) but would like to know if anyone has done this before?
@truckeo7m We’ve used Neosure to make 24 cal, 22 cal, and 20 cal formula after my baby was discharged from NICU. I think I threw away the mixing instructions we had from the NICU away though, sorry. The only reason we stopped using it actually was that he starting rejecting it at around 5 months. My ped said that was common since it tastes awful (I tried it and yeah it tasted awful) and gave the okay to switch to a more common formula. I’d think it’d be fine to use for any baby who is willing to drink it, but that’s just my non-medical opinion!
@dibela Thank you for the heads up. It's definitely something to considered. My kid is using pro advance which is made by Abbott too. Hopefully he will drink it. It will be a bottle here and there as the majority of his feed is breastmilk right now. (Might be a different story once I go back to work and my supply tanks.)
@truckeo7m My 4.5 month old preemie is now at 50th percentile by birth age and doesn't need NeoSure anymore. He's bottle fed 80/20 breastmilk/formula. But we still have several cans thanks to the Similac checks and he seems to like it, so we just keep using it at 22 cals/oz. It seems fine. He is staying on his growth curve and not getting super fat or anything. He's very good at regulating how much he eats, so maybe that has something to do with it.
@truckeo7m My son was born 10 pounds but he isn’t the best feeder. So he’s been on neosure up until last week (he’s 6 months now and weighs 17 pounds. ) he doesn’t eat a lot so maybe that’s why his weight wasn’t crazy high. He was also a nicu baby. So I was just more comfortable making sure he got his calories.
@amanda86 Thank you for the reply. Was the slow weight gain the reason he got put on NeoSure by the pediatrician? Did you do 22 cal/oz or 20?

My kiddo went from 19 to 47 percentile in a month on breastmilk and night time pro advance. He certainly doesn't need the NeoSure. But if using high caloric formula and diluting down to 20 cal/oz is okay to do, I rather do that then selling it at a discount and then turn around to buy pro advance. Money is kind of tight right now.
@truckeo7m Yes. In the nicu he refused to finish any bottles. It was so frustrating he would barely drink 2oz. so in order to get him home. They gave him more calories so what he did drink made a impact.

It’s 24cal. I think if you dilute it it shouldn’t be a problem. But I’m not sure. I would use it tbh. Formula is expensive !
@truckeo7m I’m sure this comment will be minimally helpful, but wanted to let you know anyways that I sold formula in like 12 hours on Nextdoor!
@satou Thank you for the suggestion. Will look into it with my husband's account. I live in a small town catered to retirees so I think the pool of families needing a specialized formula is quiet small.

Like I have said in other parts of the post, if it is okay to use it for a full term healthy baby I would just use it instead of the extra hassle of selling it and then buying proadvance made by the same company.

The instruction on the cans said I should consult a doctor, which I will. It just made it sound like it's a medicine but then it is readily sold online without a prescription like any other formula.
@truckeo7m I wish I knew more about it :/ I actually get Neosure checks from Similac all the time because my baby was born 5 weeks early but the hospital never put him on it so I’m totally clueless.
@truckeo7m I don't think Neosure would hurt, but your baby may not take to it? My son is 10 weeks old. He was born 4 weeks early and is now in the 99th percentile for height/weight. He is a chunk for sure, which may be because of Neosure? He does okay on it, but he knows nothing else. A baby that is accustomed to other formula may hate it!