@999forever Unfortunately, unfounded investigations/ false accusations of child abuse happen all the time. It’s the price we pay for catching and putting a stop actual child abuse, but that doesn’t mean its not horrible for the families involved.
When I was 2, my dad took me to IHOP for breakfast on a Saturday morning. According to him, i forgot to ask for a happy face pancake and when the pancake arrived sans happy face, I totally lost it. I had pretty bad asthma as a child too, so when I got upset it sounded like I was gasping for air. Some old ladies a couple of tables over heard me screaming and gasping, and watched as my dad fireman carried me kicking and screaming out to the parking lot so as to let me work through my feelings without disturbing everyone in the restaurant. Well apparently they were convinced that my dad was actually abusing me, so they called the cops. Cops came and got witness statements from a bunch of folks saying they heard me crying and saw me being carried out, but no one could say what the cause of the crying was. My dad tried to explain that I was upset about the pancake, but by then it was too late. CPS got involved, my dad was questioned at length, they contacted our primary care doctor, and apparently there were also several home visits.
My dad says he was never the same as a father after that. From then on, he raised my sister and I always thinking about what strangers might think of what he said or did with us in public, always censoring himself to be nothing but totally 100% unobjectionable. When he talks about it now, I can tell it still haunts him. My dad is one of the sweetest men I know, he never once raised his voice or laid a hand on my sister or I growing up that I can remember.