Need to vent - accused of child abuse


New member
Hi all. I’m posting here because I am just going through it right now. Last weekend saw a faint bruise on my 9 month old’s abdomen. I have anxiety and realize I tend to catastrophize everything related to health. I immediately thought this was going to be something bad but instead of panicking, I thought I would text my doctor and ask for her opinion. Baby is acting fine, crawling, learning how to stand and walk, so I am trying to reassure myself and think he bumped it. She texts me back that I need to go to ER to get it checked. I freak.

My husband and I drive straight to ER. They do his blood work, catheter, and look him over. They find a rash on his ear and ask me what that was. I told them I noticed him scratching his ear earlier in the day but didn’t think anything of it since he seemed in good spirits. They say nothing except they want to wait for blood work. Blood work comes in and I am preparing for the worst. Instead, they tell me his white blood cell count is high which is a sign of stress. I’m so confused and just blurt out “is this cancer?” They look at us and tell us the only a enue they are pursuing is abuse. We are shocked. They report us to CPS and we are admitted overnight. They do an ultrasound and X-ray which all came back normal.

The next morning, the doctor comes in and asks to see the bruise. We take off his inside and it’s gone. He says we need to do more blood work, another ultrasound and X-ray. I ask why since the other ultrasound and X-ray came back clear. He says because baby was moving too much and they might need to sedate him. I was so upset and said I didn’t want to do that. After some back and forth, he agrees to start off with just blood work to check white blood cell count. I don’t hear from him again until 6pm. He calls and says he’s too busy to come up but blood work is fine so we can go home.

CPS comes next day and interviews is all and inspects house. I tell her I wfh and my sister watches the baby while I work. She watches him in home and either I or my husband is home 24/7 with her. She’s also watched out two oldest kids. We trust her with everything. Woman leaves and I get a call three hours a later that a CPS doctor wanted him to get a second X-ray. I start to cry. I’ve already missed days of work, fell behind in my projects, have seen my son scream and cry while feeling so helpless. It’s just all so much. I feel like I’m living in a crazy world and it’s surreal. We don’t even yell at the kids. I’m just at a loss. Thank you all for reading this far.
@jillian92 Thank you. I’m more frustrated with our pediatrician than anyone else. I know ER doctors need to be aware of these things but I feel like pediatrician really let us down. I’m still stunned.
@999forever I'm so sorry you're going through this. I'd be so upset with the pediatrician, too. Did you let them know what happened? Why would they think a bruise, absent any other symptoms, was enough of an emergency to go to the ER?