My little secret ;)

@peacewithin I have once parked our car on our (gated) drive way, opened the car doors and the front house door, left the kiddie sleeping in her seat in the car and managed to do the dishes and clean the kitchen before she woke up.
@peacewithin I will 100% sit in my car and browse Reddit in the AC if my LO falls asleep between daycare and home in the evening. And I have no shame! We all need a few moments of rest, don't beat yourself up!
@peacewithin Take the time you get!! I always wake up before my kids and SO (at least 2/3 hours before they wake up) so I use that time to drink hot coffee, browse reddit/play candy crush on my phone, while also running sims4 😂 it’s the little things, and always makes my day so much better.

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