My Ex is demanding to see our son after 2 months of no contact


New member
My child’s father is demanding through email to see his son now after not communicating with me to see h for 2 months.
Here is some insight, we were engaged, while I was pregnant he got so enraged one day and assaulted me while I was pregnant, threw things in my face while pregnant but I still stayed because I couldn’t risk not knowing if my child was ok in the end.
When our baby was born he was very supportive. We don’t live together because of another long crazy story. He took care of the bills for my six weeks out but then something changed. I didn’t go back to work after six weeks I stayed out until he was 4 months.After those six weeks he stopped helping me with things started hanging around the wrong people started to ask me for money up until the point where I didn’t have money for myself just him and the baby. I just felt like he was getting to be a paid baby sitter instead of a father. The last straw was when he asked me to go half on a tattoo like that was okay when he hasn’t helped me out with the child since he was six weeks old. After that everything went down hill he would block and unblock me. Then when I would bring him to go see him because he asked. He would not be there and I exclusively breast pump and I’m on a Schedule so I ask him to please respect my time and after that day he hasn’t called texted he blocked me so I blocked him. He had his sister called 2 weeks later threatening me about court. So now he’s emailing me saying i should just drop him off to his mom and she’ll talk for him and I’m like no because if something happen in your care I won’t be able to explain to anyone where he is.
Am I wrong ?
@itsjoseph Do you have an attorney? You need a parenting time and holiday plan and child support deducted from his pay.

You probably won’t be able to stop him from seeing the baby or giving the baby to his family during his parenting time but you don’t need to do it at his demand. There will be a reliable schedule.

A lot of this sounds familiar to me so I know it is hard and really sucks. Good luck.
@chemtrooper Two sides to every story. Mother Theresa doesn’t get knocked up by Hitler.

No matter what one parent thinks of the other, the child is better off with both.
@dalebend My child, due to a SUPER crooked “judge” in a bassackwards podunk county (as in the only judge is married to the sheriff kinda judge) decided that despite all of that abuse that my son should have 50/50 time with his donor. That’s weapons-grade horseshit.

His donor abused me, he’s abused my son. HIS DONOR HAS KIDNAPPED AND ABDUCTED MY SON.

So yeah. I’m inclined to believe OP, I don’t much care what you think.
@itsjoseph Stop giving him money. Find a DV advocate and start counseling. You seem to have a lot of trauma from this relationship. Nothing you can do will make him be safe, reliable or responsible. All you can do now is protect yourself and your child.

If you feel safe, he can come see the baby at your house with you present, or maybe you can stay at his mom's house with the baby during a visit. If not, he can wait until there's a parenting plan in place.