@alisonhansford My kid just bit someone. He's 4. He claims the other kid didn't want to share building blocks when they where playing together. My ex picked him up, was talked to. He chatted with the other parent, had a chat with our son, let me know and when my kid got back into my care I also had a chat with him.
My kid told me he had already talked with dad about it. He explained that the teacher had talked about it with everyone (because earlier that day another kid bit someone too.)
The biting my son did wasn't hard. Didn't leave a mark and for sure no blood was drawn. But we all take it seriously and I'm sure there will be more consequences if he does it again anyway.
Your kid is being targetted. To be bitten without provocation isn't normal at that age. The other child needs more then a teacher that says "we don't bite here", there should be a clear plan that can be (partially) shared with you. If they can't/won't give you an explanation as to how they will avoid this they don't have a plan.
I'm serious about this, if they are unable to tell you how they keep your child safe, they won't. And if they tell you that they can't tell you their action points because it involves another kid, that's bs. They can't share specifics about the other kid and their personal treatment, but that doesn't matter. What will THEY personally do in the classroom to prevent this? And how is it different then before? Because "we'll watch him closely" is bs, they should always do that.