My child has been bitten twice in the last 2 weeks at Pre-K

@alisonhansford My now-teenager kept getting bit by the same kid everyday at preschool. The third bite happened and the school told the parent to take the little biter and find alternate arrangements.
@alisonhansford A lot of points have been covered but I personally find the locations of the bits the most concerning. It’s had to picture how either of those would happen. The bit on the lip would require their faces to be inappropriately close and the belly is a clothed part of the body and therefore (in my view) an odd place for another child to be putting their face/mouth. I’m not trying to unnecessarily sexualize anything but if I were a teacher, yourself, or the parent of the biter I would definitely be concerned about why those areas were targeted. Even though 4/5 is pretty old to be biting, I would maybe understand more if it were an arm or hand or something. If I were you I would be curious where this was taking place. If it is happening in the classroom I would expect a level of supervision that would prevent a child putting their mouth against my child’s or against their stomach.
@alisonhansford We have a 1.5 year old and there was one particular kid who was biting other kids due to behavior issues. After the third kid, they removed him/her from the class but same thing. Broke skin, no blood, but he got bit twice and wasn't the only one. Apparently the kid bit three kids in one day but he still stayed two more days and after the third straight day of biting kids, he/she was kicked out.
@alisonhansford I would pull her. If this was my child, I would absolutely pull her. Because not only does it seem that the teachers aren’t doing anything or are too understaffed to do something, or whatever their reasoning might be, I wouldn’t be able to send my girl to school knowing that she would not be safe or protected, because that’s what is happening. Especially the fact that he has broken skin and all that.. I was bit when I was little. Just once and it was actually traumatizing. So I really feel for her. It’s SCARY. And I worry about the messages that are being sent to her either way. If they won’t pull him immediately, I’d have a very adult conversation with her and ask her what she would like to happen, and if she wants to leave the pre-K, please let her.
@alisonhansford My kid just bit someone. He's 4. He claims the other kid didn't want to share building blocks when they where playing together. My ex picked him up, was talked to. He chatted with the other parent, had a chat with our son, let me know and when my kid got back into my care I also had a chat with him.

My kid told me he had already talked with dad about it. He explained that the teacher had talked about it with everyone (because earlier that day another kid bit someone too.)

The biting my son did wasn't hard. Didn't leave a mark and for sure no blood was drawn. But we all take it seriously and I'm sure there will be more consequences if he does it again anyway.

Your kid is being targetted. To be bitten without provocation isn't normal at that age. The other child needs more then a teacher that says "we don't bite here", there should be a clear plan that can be (partially) shared with you. If they can't/won't give you an explanation as to how they will avoid this they don't have a plan.

I'm serious about this, if they are unable to tell you how they keep your child safe, they won't. And if they tell you that they can't tell you their action points because it involves another kid, that's bs. They can't share specifics about the other kid and their personal treatment, but that doesn't matter. What will THEY personally do in the classroom to prevent this? And how is it different then before? Because "we'll watch him closely" is bs, they should always do that.

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