My 6 year old son's drawings are worrying....l


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So my 6 year old son loves to draw and is rather good at it for his age, however, his drawings depict dark imagery based off of Christianity and Satanism. He's never been exposed to anything like it but he somehow draws it. We aren't a church family so I'm worried and confused.
@nolt Either you lied about this being paintings of your son or you are imagining quite a lot. Either way, the direction of seeking help with psychologists is the right direction to go.
@nolt First off, ask yourself what your church has been teaching their members. If they are doing A lesson on types of spirits, discussing evil spirits and angels, then your child may be just trying to understand it through what they draw. They say if you are having trouble understanding something, write or draw whatever first comes to your mind, and that'll help you understand it more. If that's not true, then, based on the van, your child may be scared. I got this from the writings, "Don't Look,", which, to me, seems like A warning to himself to not look at something scary (Maybe the movie, "IT,".), and, "Just stay quiet,", which hit me in the feels, too, because I often feel as though I should just stay quiet, fade away, not face reality, which, for me, meant to myself that I was scared. The, "We're lost," might mean he's having his first existential crisis. Now, for the dreaming part, that also ties in with my first point. Dreams are said to both be for recharging batteries AND sorting through the events of the day. If your church was teaching on spirits, this could definitely appear in his dreams (I'm reminded of this every time I watch A Five Nights At Freddies 1 Gameplay Video... Stared at my door the entire night, not getting any sleep, just waiting for the mechanical claws to rip me apart... Anyway, sorry I just rambled.). I have to say, though... The 8th picture doesn't fit your son's style, either meaning this has happened before and your son has developed his style, or you got that picture from the internet. Same as 9 and 10. 1 more thing to tell you is that this may be practice, and he's just using what has been taught by his family (This is assuming you constantly tell him about the dangers of spirits and angels {Fun, unrelated fact, by the way... Spirits of all kinds live in the 4th Dimension, which is why we can't see them. We live in the 3rd Dimension, meaning we can see 2D and 1D as well. Imagine A paper. Then, you draw A line on that paper. That line is 2D, and we can see that. However, we can't see anything beyond the 3 Dimensional Cube that you may draw. Spirits are on A higher Dimension and can view all of us and can interact with us, but we cannot see them or interact with them. Another fun L'il nugget O' information... The bible mentions tanks. In Revelations, it mentions Armoured Lions. Now, the person who was writing the letter to the churches [Those churches are representatives of the different ages of Christianity, by the way.] was seeing far into the future, and had to describe modern-day things such as Jet-Fighters and Nuclear Bombs in the words and terms they had in their day. Lions always track an intruder or prey, with their head seeming to follow in the direction of their target. Now, that could just mean A crazy circus-owner released A bunch of lions, but the armoured part means it had to have been covered in metal. Much like A lion, A tank can swivel its head to follow A target, and is armoured. There ya go! Neat L'il packet O' info for you!}.) as A template for practicing. With, according to you, such A religious family, I have no doubt he'd be showered in teachings of why they are bad, and symbols to stay away from, and that makes those teachings something that'd help him practice more than something he barely knows about. That's about all I have to say...