My 5 1/2 Week Old Won’t Sleep Unless We Hold Him


New member
Dad here. I’m losing my ferkin mind. I’ve watched a lifetime of tv, scrolled the internet until my head hurts, and am just sooo bored. My wife and I are both on a long paternity leave so we do take turns getting sleep, and it’s better than a lot of parents, but I’m soooo bored just holding this dude for hours and hours at a time. He only sleeps if I’m holding him. The second I put him in his crib/bassinet he starts grunting like a gremlin which will eventually turn to crying. It’s day 4 or 5 of this now. I don’t know for sure because I’ve lost track of all time. Before I could at least put him down for an hour or so. When does this madness end?

Your moral support is greatly appreciated. And like the last post I read in this channel, why would anyone in their right mind want to do this > once. 😭🤯🫠😵‍💫
@testallthings This might not be an acceptable solution for you but have you tried baby wearing? I have a soft apron-style carrier that my baby conks out hard in. I get 2 hands to do whatever I want.
@testallthings My husband is 6'3 and uses both carriers we bought. When you baby wear, the baby should be high enough that you are able to kiss the top of their head without straining. He belts the carrier right below his pec muscles in order to ensure proper height.
@testallthings Konny Flex Mesh!! Order today. This saved our sanity.

It’s developmentally critical for baby to only sleep on you. It’s survival. It’s safety. It’s confidence. It’ll pass. But until then, accept your date of being beholden to baby’s whims. Baby carrying is a huge help!
@testallthings Try the solly wrap or those dad shirts with a pocket. How soon after you feed to you put baby down? Your LO might need more stimulation and is not super tired when being put down. Or needs to get burped a little more. Also this is the beginning of the 6 week sleep regression, keep that in mind!
@frjonah yeah I never did wraps because they look annoying AF. apron-style carriers are belted like an apron and then you slip the baby in. I did a ton of research on carriers for both baby comfort as well as preventing hip dysplasia in the baby and feel really confident I made the right choice. If you do get one be sure to research how to use it properly, most newbies screw up the belt.

The two carriers I got are the Happy Baby Original - less expensive, really easy to put on, but usually sold out; and the Sakura bloom scout - more expensive, usually in stock, slightly less convenient.
@testallthings I can understand this frustration....
If you have not already, I recommend swaddling your baby and swaddling him in your arms for 20-30 minutes and then laying him down for his nap, still swaddled. But wait until he's completely asleep in your arms before you lay him down. Let him fight the sleep in your arms if he does try. My boy has a new routine now he'll sleep 8pm to 6am and only wake like 2 times in the night for feeds. The swaddle saved me from boat loads of frustration at bedtime. He doesn't sleep in the day. Most naps I get from him are 30 minutes. Some babies are super different.
@testallthings I would try swaddling and keeping the baby in your arms horizontally eg in your lap vs. upright on your shoulder. Its an easier transition to the crib/bassinet for the baby. Doesnt work 100% of the times but you could try this out if you havent already.
@testallthings SAME! You’re not alone. I sit here reading this as I am nap trapped by my 5.5wo. I have had to pee for the past 45 minutes…

He just wont sleep in his bassinet or crib! Must be held if in his chest carrier to sleep during the day. He sometimes will nap in his lounger if I can lay him down verrrrry gently. On the other hand, he is just so cute!
@testallthings Check out the sub r/babywearing before you purchase one. You can make a post asking for suggestions of carriers based on your back issues. There are industry experts who often chime in with their knowledge as well as a whole lotta parents with similar experiences as yours. Hope things get better for your family soon. Hang in there!! You and your wife are doing great!!
@austin155 Here's a sneak peek of /r/babywearing using the top posts of the year!

#1: Babywearing just really makes it easier to get housework done | 16 comments

#2: Fit check: Cabbage Patch baby in dad’s old scarf. | 12 comments

#3: A candid polaroid my BIL took at a dinner we went to last night, feat. A wrap that’s been in my family for 27 years | 12 comments

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@testallthings My partner has chronic pain. We have the Ergobaby Embrace newborn/infant carrier and he says it feels great! It straps around your lower thorax with thick straps around the shoulders for support.
@testallthings Apparently this happens to babies around 5-6 weeks, they’ve been sleeping before, but at this point they start catnapping. They say it gets better by 3-4 months, but as I recall there’s gonna be a sleep regression too. I have a 5,5 week old. The nights are better, but the naps got suddenly broken a few days ago. Baby wraps save me