My 3 yr son's teacher sent home this note, and it's crazy

@dylanrowe1 I wonder if this was made with the speech-to-text feature or something. That will easily make a huge run on sentence like this. What concerns me then is the lack of caring about editing and follow-through.
@dylanrowe1 This is definitely worthy of pulling your kid out of the program. The whole situation raises all the flags for a poor quality childcare situation: high turnover with uneducated/untrained people being brought in means they aren’t paying enough to get better employees. That doesn’t necessarily line up with being horrible at providing childcare but if they’re skimping this bad on employee pay I’d bet good money they’re lacking in other areas that may include safety hazards and putting money before children’s welfare.
@dylanrowe1 I wouldn’t expect a daycare teacher to compose grammatically correct letter with great punctuation. Not because they’re dumb, but because it’s not a skill I think matters a ton at that level. They can likely still teach the basics to kids. I might, however, bring it to the director from the standpoint of - is this professional? How do you want your daycare to be viewed?

But also - what type of person is the director? My guess is most aren’t super focused on grammar.
@dylanrowe1 It's daycare ffs. Your kid's teacher's punctuation or lack thereof is not going to magically rub off on him. Also, this could be text-to-speech, or it could be a deliberately-chosen informal register.

More to the point, are you gatekeeping general intelligence with language style? Becasue that's ableist, classist and quite possibly racist. I know people who write like this - they just throw stream-of-consciousness at the page, and only go back to edit in punctuation and caps if it's "an English essay" - and in fact accuse me of showing off for doing so at all. It gives me the screaming irrits, but guess what: these people aren't stupid, and they are absolutely fine at looking after kids.

If they're doing a poor job of looking after your kid, and they're not able to accommodate different needs, that's a problem.

But punctuation is an absolute non-starter.
@dylanrowe1 I know you said your child is 3- are the teachers actually teachers? At my youngest’s preschool not everyone is actually an educator. I don’t think any are currently licensed teachers- the ones that do the teaching are retired teachers and there are plenty of people with experience with younger kids.
Anyway that letter is bad though
@dylanrowe1 This is a daycare worker. They're not really educators unless you're in a specialised centre. I don't think she needs a high school diploma to work there.
@dylanrowe1 I’ve seen this kind of writing before from college students.

People really underestimate the way writing is different for kids who grew up texting. Punctuation and formal grammar tends to be deliberately omitted when a person is aiming for a friendly tone.

People who type in paragraphs could be teased a bit, as it implies either age or the lack of an unlimited texting plan.
@dylanrowe1 i read your caption before i read the note thinking, it can't be that bad.

it was so much worse than my expectations. i would spend the days leading up to the field trip looking for a new school and make it VERY clear that this is why. i can't even finish my thoughts on this without dropping an F bomb. oh my god
@dylanrowe1 Wow. As a preschool teacher to a 3 year old class, this is absolutely embarrassing. My 9 year old could literally write a better letter than that. That's disgraceful. She should not be teaching children if she cant even write a proper letter to parents. I have no words. Good choice on moving your child out of that school. Im sure you wont be the last to do so, if the other parents have any common sense!