My 14.5 month old was sleeping until 8/830 some days I even had to wake him up, suddenly it’s religiously 6:45 am wake up

@rtjmrt The clocks move ahead March 10th. A month from now 6:30am will be 7:30am and that would basically solve your problem.

Otherwise I assume he’s teething and is waking up earlier because he’s uncomfortable.
@layk No it just made me laugh bc I feel like it’s such an American problem answer. Like he’s probably getting up because of our healthcare system. Or he prob fussy first thing because of inflation lolol thank you for that 😂😂

I guess you’re right that will help but this month will blow ass.
@rtjmrt Because you got a helpful suggestion and were rude about it and your responses are bizarre.

I said he’s probably teething, and suggested you let him wake up at 6:30 because daylights savings is approaching and what time he wakes up will be back to his normal time after that.

What exactly is hilarious to you?
@rtjmrt You didn’t read the comment properly. CNDRock16 isn’t suggesting your child is waking up early and cranky because of daylight savings but merely suggesting that in a month they will go back to waking up at their “normal” time when daylight savings happens.