My 14.5 month old was sleeping until 8/830 some days I even had to wake him up, suddenly it’s religiously 6:45 am wake up

@rtjmrt What time does your child go to bed? Oddly enough the later mine goes to bed the earlier she wakes up. I usually get her ready for bed at 8 and she’ll sleep until 8am. If I am any later putting her to sleep she wakes up earlier. If I put her down at 9 she wakes up at 7
@rtjmrt It goes in phases. My 22 month old regularly woke at like 630 and then for a week straight, woke up at 5am or earlier. Then one day just resumed his prior wake time.
@gregplx I don’t think you read the whole thing…..

I’m not NOT worried about getting up earlier! Often times I am already up. I am worried about the drastic change from being happy and clapping in bed to opening his eyes and crying hysterically immediately.
@rtjmrt It might be teeth. Ours did this some days. Canines were extremely rough, he has 3 out of 4 of them and when he cut his first 2, he would wake up crying from nap time and in the morning.

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