My 14.5 month old was sleeping until 8/830 some days I even had to wake him up, suddenly it’s religiously 6:45 am wake up

@rtjmrt I will also say that my kid’s nutritional needs also noticeably increased around that time! So if you haven’t already, try adding more snacks and more water or milk throughout the day… I’m very generous with offering snacks every hour because my kid’s always been really small - but something to consider!
@rtjmrt SAME. Went from 7-8am wake up with a 7-7:30 bedtime to 6-6:20 wake up if we’re lucky. Some mornings I ignore the whining to see if she’ll go back to sleep, but lately she will not and we’re just up 🥲
@rtjmrt Most babies can’t do 12 hour nights. So 6:45 is a reasonable wake time for an 8-8:30 bedtime. If you drop a nap it may help but 2-1 may be a rocky transition for a couple weeks.
@rdtemplet I’m fully aware that 645 is a reasonable time to wake up, what I am concerned about is the abrupt transition and that he’s crying hysterically as soon as he wakes up. I don’t care if I have to get out of bed at 6:45, I’m worried about how it’s affecting his mood we’re working on dropping the last nap.
@rtjmrt Do you cap any naps? There might be room to create more awake time and sleep pressure before dropping a nap cold Turkey. Before we transitioned we were hanging on for dear life on a one hour morning nap and a 30 minute afternoon nap. I would wake him up. Because he was still 10 months/low sleep needs but I didn’t want to drop a nap too early.
@rtjmrt You could consistently cap day sleep at 2 hours, doing a 1.5 hour morning nap and a 30 minute afternoon nap, or two one hour naps, and see if that gives him enough sleep pressure to power through a bit longer in the morning. You can also be consistent making sure bedtime doesn’t happen until 8:30, and even try pushing it back a bit to 8:45. I think there’s room to stretch wake time before dropping a nap. It might hold you over a couple more weeks until you are solidly on one nap.
@rtjmrt Ahh that sucks! I can see why you'd think something is up given he's waking up crying. Seems like something is disturbing his sleep. It's so hard to tell with kids that age. I'd try to stick to the usual schedule and pray he reverts lol. Maybe experiment with giving him some tylenol or motrin before bed, see if that helps? My son sometimes still needed a nighttime bottle of milk at that age too, so that's always worth a shot. You could wake him up for a bottle before you go to sleep at night and see if he has an easier time getting through til his natural wake up time. Also, he may need to drop from two naps to one nap... so many possibilities... Good luck!
@hulahooper Thank you for the not condescending answer! Reddit is getting iffy with peoples attitudes. I’m hoping that once this other canine pops through it’s a little bit easier for him!
@bencrewson I’ve responded to one person with attitude, I’m having plenty of conversations with people about solutions, get a grip and get off the thread.

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