My 14.5 month old was sleeping until 8/830 some days I even had to wake him up, suddenly it’s religiously 6:45 am wake up


New member
Whhhhhhhhhhhhyyyyyyyy he was sleeping so great and would sleep until 8-8:30 everyday. The occasional 7:30. I even sometimes would need to wake him up. He’d wake up and roll around happy for a moment and we’d let him have a sec and then go get him. Always happy!
Nothing has changed but now suddenly it’s between 6:30-6:45 am wake up everyday and he wakes up upset and crying. What the hell is going on?

Okay seriously I have no issue waking up at 6:30 or 645, so acting like I’m complaining about it being early is a little much. I’m concerned about the fact that he went from happy to hysterically, crying, and that there wasn’t a gradual transition and that it’s so abrupt and I’m worried something is wrong.
@doppel lol I also had a 5am waker from 7-20 months… she randomly one day 2 weeks ago started waking up at 7 and then the past week it’s been down to 6:30🙃🙃🙃 hoping we can get it back to 7!!!!
@rtjmrt Is he still on two naps? Our kids cut down to one around that time as it shifted their sleep around a bit. Their bedtime also nudged later.
@matt97 We’re going to take a shot at one nap again today, but sometimes when we’ve done one nap, he’s just absolutely falling apart by the end of the day, and then will even wake up in the middle of the night, babies are very confusing
@rtjmrt I do 9:30pm and he wakes up around 8:30-9:30. Nap 2:45-5p

I also don’t start our day until 9am if it’s before that I’m taking my pillow and comforter in the play pen or I’ll let him flop around in my bed
@believerben lol I can’t keep my son in my bed he wants to roll and climb down. My husband and I definitely like to have time at night time so I think 930 would be too late for us because we like to go to bed at like 10 lol
@rtjmrt Wait till the dreaded 4am toddler wide eyed amd bushy tail days. Just when you think they are sleeping good..... they decide nope... today is the day to sing with the birds.

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