Morning sickness survival hacks?


New member
Hey friends, I’m here to ask if anyone has tips and tricks that helped them overcome or better coexist with their morning sickness. I’m not pregnant, but afriend of mine is very early in her pregnancy and she’s unfortunately having a very difficult time.

She’s been dealing with Hyperemesis gravidarum, which apparently is morning sickness on steroids and she hasn’t found anything that helps relieve the symptoms.

She’s been incredibly stressed about her sick time PTO, she’s been stressing about not being able to focus at work, and she isn’t sleeping well.

I don’t want to overstep, but I was thinking about putting together a little care package of things that she might be able to benefit from. Just something to show her her friends are thinking about her and want her to feel as comfortable as possible. but I’ve never been pregnant so i’m looking for any advice on what made your pregnancy more comfortable and what I might be able to do as a friend looking to be respectful and supportive. Of course I’ll be doing some research of my own but I thought there was no one more suited to tell me what a pregnant person would actually appreciate and find useful than the folks who have experienced it themselves
@jjerry You are such a good friend! Sorry she is going through all that, pregnancy is hard enough!!

Staying hydrated helps, you could buy her a cute Tumbler/liquid IV! Doxylamine/unison helped me a lot but I know some people don't like to take medication.

I was nauseous into second trimester and it was a magnesium deficiency. Feeling better now!
@jjerry I am so so sorry for your friend and anyone having to go through HG. I have never experienced this and I’m not sure if my advice would be helpful however I had nausea both pregnancies and I found that my second one improved by drinking a ton of water and eating lots of small frequent meals of mostly carbs to keep my blood sugar up but not spiked. I found that if I skipped a meal I would often feel sick and when I ate things higher in sugar like candy or fruit alone, I would feel sick after
@jjerry I never had HG with any of my 3, but I read a blog by a woman who swore by potatoes and other high-potassium foods to keep her potassium levels up, and said that brought her relief.
@jjerry Try a nausea inhaler (, you just put it up to your nose and inhale. I found it SO helpful and unlike most other remedies something I didn’t have to put in my mouth or eat. Can be used for a LONG time, and this two pack is nice. I had one next to my bed and one at the table for if a food aversion hit me suddenly.

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