Minimal weight gain at 19 weeks pregnant w/ baby #2


New member
Anyone else only gain the bare minimum/slightly under the minimum amount of weight during their pregnancies? Pre-pregnancy I was considered on the high end of "normal" on the BMI.

I went in for an additional appointment yesterday to get some issues with my high blood pressure meds sorted out and had lost nearly 1.8lbs since my appointment just a week prior. Baby sounded great with a heart rate of 155, very active and I feel him kicking and squirming around all throughout the day. My doctor gave me the whole, "Are you sure you're eating enough?" talk and made it a point to even say that she knows that some people eat less to avoid seeing their weight shoot up on the scale during pregnancy. I've been eating regularly, with snacks included (lots of sour candy/gummies because this kid loves his sour cravings) so I honestly was worried that I would've gained MORE than I should've in the past week 😂 So far I've gained a total of 4lbs since I've become pregnant.

I'm not all that concerned right now, given this is the same trend I followed my last pregnancy. I ended up gaining exactly 20lbs by the time I delivered and lost all but 2lbs of the 20lbs by the time I'd left the hospital. I'm just assuming my body doesn't tend to put on a whole lot of weight during pregnancy, unless I was to really overeat?

Anyone else in the same boat? I feel like I'm experiencing deja vu, with the doctors questioning my eating habits with baby #2 just like they had with my first. It's honestly kind of annoying at the end of the day when I know I'm never allowing myself to go hungry or starving myself in order to keep my weight down.

Edit: Thank you all for all the comments! It was really reassuring to see that it isn't so bizarre to only gain minimally, or even LOSE weight during pregnancy--so long as it isn't intentional weight loss of course. This is my second baby but this pregnancy is considered especially high risk because of multiple factors, so to hear the doctor being so concerned over my small weight gain has made me a little more anxious than it did with baby #1. But baby is looking great so far! Appropriate fundal height for gestational age, even measuring a little ahead in ultrasounds. Here's to hoping his growth and good health continues well into the pregnancy ❤️
@ergo Everyone is different. I gained only 5 pounds by about 20 weeks. Most of my weight gain was from mid to late second tri. My doctor hadn't been concerned at any point about my weight gain - I'm 35 weeks and now at 22 lbs, but I stalled at a total of 16-18 lbs of weight gain between weeks 28 to 32.
@bellahouz I swear my OB will have my head if I failed to gain weight for a month straight 😂 I'm pretty sure I also stalled in weight gain last pregnancy during one of my late 2nd trimester months so I feel like that's fairly normal? Not everyone gains excessive weight when pregnant, and honestly I think it's a bad stigma to place on pregnant women that they need to eat excessively in order to have a healthy baby/pregnancy. That only makes it so much harder/nearly impossible to meet pre-pregnancy weight goals when recovering.
@ergo I haven’t gained much weight in the 3rd tri and I’m at 38 weeks on Monday. Overall I’ve gained about 27 pounds for my whole pregnancy. Mostly because I haven’t felt the need to over eat. I pretty much just eat when I’m hungry and stop when I’m full.

Everyone is different though and obviously there are a whole host of reasons why some women gain more. Most of it is completely normal.

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