MFM Consult, Level 2 Ultrasound, Fibroids Fine, MTHFR is a nonissue?

@littlemelittleu2 First of all: that baby looks AWESOME! So cute and tiny :) really proud of you momma.

Second: My family has the MTHFR thing. I mention it 4 times. To a fertility dr. Really highly recommended, my gyn/the one that made my laparoscopy, my 32 years of teaching in my country OB and the hematologist. Every single one of them made this expression of "nah, that's surely not the problem" and told me that was an old stuff, that shouldn't have nothing to do with my losses or a problem.
Here we have stupid assholes with a degree like any country, but we are rated as one of the countries with best medicine and dr.s in the world. So, after I was sure I was being treated by the bests, I believe them with this stuff.
What the hematologist told me was that she was going to run some test that can give me some trouble if they are off, but are the only ones they know for sure can complicate things in a pregnancy. Mostly have to do with Enzymes and blood coagulating at a good time.

I would stick with this guy's opinion. He seems to know what he's doing and being updated. And if your OB send you to see him cause she thought he was one of the best...more reasons to trust him.

Big hugs and again you have an awesome peanut there :)
@jccarlos26serra Thanks sweetie! I think I only worry because of varying opinions, but I am starting to feel better about it. Like he said, when something terrible happens you want an easy answer, but that doesn't always make it right.
@littlemelittleu2 He sounds like he knows his stuff. But I'm sure those on the other side also sounded confident in their recommendations. I wonder if this doctor would be willing to give you copies of some of the literature to ease your mind and help you make a more informed decision?
@littlemelittleu2 I'm getting a good feeling just hearing you talk about this doc. It seems like he really cares and is willing to check every possible avenue for you to have a healthy pregnancy and delivery. Btw adorable pics!!!
@livinfree52 I seem to have given everyone a very positive impression, which is interesting because I was feeling very off balance writing it- but I'm feeling better. And I'm coming to terms with all of it. :) thanks!
@littlemelittleu2 Your dr sounds very informed and on top of everything! And I can somewhat relate to the differing opinions. That's why I ended up seeing 4 different MFMs before I went with mine: they all had different opinions. But I essentially went with the dr who seemed to really know his stuff which sounds a lot like your dr. And baby is healthy yeah!!!!! You got this!!!!
@mauricio512 Thanks!

Lord, it's frustrating. Sorry you have also hd a run around.

This is literally the only guy in town, so I don't really have options, so I'm glad I felt fairly ok with him.

I really find it hard to believe that in this day and age, a doc would look a woman who lost a baby in the eyes and say "seriously, a non issue" with two nurses in the room if he wasn't really confident. If he was worried about getting sued, he'd put me on the blood thinners, you know?

I hate to think of it like that, but it helps. :)
@littlemelittleu2 I hate that they've given you conflicting advice but the important thing is you have doctors who are on your side, taking you seriously, know what they are doing and ready to keep you and baby healthy!! Just focus on the what more than the how right now.

Can you go into this without blood thinners and then if they feel you need them later in the pregnancy get them?
@bisi007 Yeah, I could. Right now I think my strategy is to request blood clotting tests with the additional blood work he's ordering. If there's no issue with clotting speed, we're 100%, you know?
@littlemelittleu2 Your @spiritualtranscendence pics are just lovely! I'm glad you were able to find a doctor who knows his stuff, and as always you are in my thoughts and prayers!! Keep being an awesome mama!