Maternity Leave- what would you do?


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I’m pregnant with number 2 and trying to decide what to do in terms of maternity leave. What would you do?

Husband and I are both teachers. Our state recently passed 3 weeks paid parental leave for all teachers including dads. I’m also entitled to 12 weeks of FMLA, 6 of which will be paid 2/3 of my salary from short term disability (or 8 weeks if c section). The 3 paid weeks runs concurrently with the 6 weeks of short term disability and the 12 weeks of FMLA. So essentially the first 3 weeks would be paid 100%, the next 3 weeks would be paid 2/3 and the rest would be unpaid. I don’t have a significant amount of sick days to make a difference thanks to a toddler in daycare who brings home every bug.

School breaks do not count towards the 12 weeks. I’m due around thanksgiving and hoping baby comes before that week to get the extra week. I was induced at 39 weeks last time due to gestational diabetes and I’m kind of banking on that again. I’ll also get 2 extra weeks in December and a week in February. So if I take the full 12 that would put me back to work around mid-March.

Originally we had planned for husband to take his paid 3 weeks the first 3 weeks home as well. If our perfect plan of her coming before thanksgiving week works out, he would be off thanksgiving week, 3 paid weeks, go back to work for 1 week, and then be out 2 weeks for Christmas break.

BUT we recently found out that since we work for the same district, we can only take 12 weeks combined between the two of us. So if he takes 3 weeks, I can only take 9 weeks. He doesn’t have to take the full 3 weeks and can’t use sick time for more than 3 days in a row.

So our options are:

A. Husband takes 3 weeks. I take 9 weeks. This puts me back to work early February. I would work one week then have 1 week off for February break and then back permanently.

B. Husband takes 2 weeks. I take 10 weeks. This puts me back to work on the February break week which doesn’t count so I’d get that extra week and then return permanently after that week off.

C. Husband takes 1 week. I take 11 weeks. This puts me back to work the first week of March.

D. Husband uses sick days only for the hospital stay and takes no time off otherwise.

We have a 2 year old who will be 2.5 and in daycare full time. My parents live 30 mins away and are retired. We have enough saved to financially afford any scenario. Which would you pick?

Our toddler was a summer baby so this wasn’t a thing with her. My husband was off the first month of her life and then I took 12 more weeks unpaid (thanks to COVID stimulus checks and teacher bonuses) By the end of the third month I was itching to get back to work and back in a routine which I feel safe admitting to here. I just can’t decide what our best strategy is dividing our leave up.
@xxwunderkindxx That policy sucks- not a great retention plan for the district. I would lean towards option A. It may also depend on your delivery, if you end up with a c-section or challenging delivery, you may want your partner home for longer--unless you would be okay with your mom or dad helping you physically recover.
@johnnyhouse The FMLA policy (if both parents work for the same employer its 12 weeks combined, not 12 weeks each) is actually at the federal level. An employer could choose not to follow it, but really its on the federal government to fix that (which they ABSOLUTELY should).
@noelie Yeah honestly it doesn't make sense to me why they did it. I can only imagine it was meant to "appease" small businesses who might feel put out having to hold 2 people's jobs? But it's still super dumb. FMLA is literally just the most bare minimum level protection. It's UNPAID. People don't take it for funsies. They take it because they have a serious need to do so.
@xxwunderkindxx I was convinced this was a mistake…but then I read this fact sheet and now I’m even more angry at the leave policies in this damn country.

As for advice…I know this sucks, but I would have you take all 12 weeks of leave and have him take sick days for the hospital stay.
@katrina_ FMLA is lacking in so many ways 😑 I didn’t qualify for it at all when I had either of my two kids because I worked for a small office of about 5-10 employees, and you only qualify if you work for a company with 50+ employees on site
@xxwunderkindxx The 3 weeks for your husband are paid, but not all of your 12 weeks are? I think I’d go for the 3 weeks for him, 9 weeks for you in that case, unless the money isn’t very consequential for you. In that case, I’d do 2 and 10.

Dad deserves some time at home bonding with baby too, and you’ll need the help while you recover.

Ps, sorry about this policy, it’s common but it still sucks. I work for a state agency and they have the same policy - anyone who works for the state, even in really different agencies/areas, have to share FMLA. Sucks.
@jcox64 Concur. My husband was home for 8 weeks for this baby and getting her up, dressed and to daycare without me while I recovered / slept was really necessary. I had a c section and wasn't cleared to drive until 6 weeks.
@xxwunderkindxx Have you considered reaching out to a better balance to check the 12 weeks for the two of you is correct in your state?

I found them super helpful. Even if the district limits your combined bonding time to 12 weeks, If your first 6 weeks are disability leave for recover from your own medical event (birth) that total 12 week limit for both of you sounds strange to me- but I’m not expert. However- a better balance is!
@hopesone FMLA rule is actually federal. Happened to me and my husband (not teachers but both worked for a big company— think like we both worked for amazon or something)
@xxwunderkindxx So, my second was a COVID baby and I think I would have benefited from going bank to work sooner than 12 weeks because we were VERY isolated.

That being said… my husband was a teacher during summer for oldest and it was a DREAM maternity leave. We took a turns sleeping etc. my second was born December. He only had 2 weeks, it was ROUGH for everyone. Going from 1 to 2 was hard. I also had a C-section, so that recovery was a bit rougher with a toddler.

I would say at least 3 weeks home with hubs if possible.
@toogietueday Would it change your opinion if my mom was available to help at least every other day if not daily until husband got home from work?

It’s so hard for me because in my head I’m thinking “I don’t need much help” but that newborn time is such a blur and I’ve never experienced it without the extra help. Genuinely curious what you think!
@xxwunderkindxx I honestly don’t know. For us, the struggle was sleep. Our second was a terrible sleeper, so even though I was home and taking the night shift he was such a fussy baby the sleep factor destroyed us.
@toogietueday I’m odd I did better with my second c than my first c. I had a 2 yr old. My husband took so much time off for his sick dad before my second he had to be back after 2 weeks. I was kind of stuck. Funny though I did better emotionally after 2 than w/ one kid. He’s a teacher also and this was 20 yr ago. 3 weeks would have been nice.
@demonslayer410 Honestly, I also had COVID when I delivered! It really could have been a list of anything as why it was a bit rougher too!

Also, my first c-section recovery was super easy. Like we were out and about 3 days after being released from the hospital🤷🏼‍♀️

It truly is every one is different. My husband is no longer teaching but he gets to WFH most days, so I’m super grateful for the career change!