Mamas, what's the longest you'd be apart from your 0-2 y.o.?

@samie My baby is about the same age. We've never been apart for more than a few hours. I still breastfeed too (no pumping or bottle. Just boob. lol). You are not being crazy and unreasonable at all. Forgetting about breastfeeding for a second, even if you weren't, 2 weeks is a really long time.
@samie I still breastfeed my 14 month old as well personally it would be a no from me unless I could bring baby with since 2 weeks of no breastfeeding at that age may well lead to weaning and I’m not ready for that yet. Also in general I don’t think I could stand 2 weeks but the bf thing would seal it.
@samie How far away would you be? Could you visit home on the middle weekend? Can any of it be done remotely? And what’s your home care situation - do you have a mother/MIL that might be able to come in and help your partner have a break?
@jabe It's a 2 hour drive (I considered commuting but would have to leave before he woke up and return after bedtime!). I think I will need to negotiate a day off or family visit in order to make this work. My husband works seasonally and is primary care right now, so I think we could swing it. Thank you!!
@samie Max I've done is 2 nights and my little one is 6 months old.. I formula feed (and now weaning onto purees), so feeding itself hasn't been much of an issue. We try to do at least one night per month away for date nights and such.. we'll be going on our honeymoon when little one is 3/4 years old, and that will probably be a week away. Just having one night away can do wonders for your mental well-being.
@yepishin This! It's so hard to be away but I think it's really important especially if it's just a couple nights! Good for you I love that date night idea.
@samie At once, seven days. I traveled with my old job and would be gone from 2‐7 days at once. I didn't enjoy being gone that long but did not mind the shorter trips. It was especially difficult when the trips butted up against each other so I'd be done for 4 days, home for 2, gone for 3, etc.
@samie Mine's 18 months and the longest I've been away from her was when a job at work really ran over and what should have took 9 hours. Voluntarily I've left her for about 4 hours at most while I'm working from home. Definitely ok to say no to this if that's what you feel comfortable with
@cassmith I'm leaning heavily towards no. I frequently feel let down by the lack of understanding and support for moms in the workplace (and in general) sometimes. Hopefully I'm worth more to my company than this 2 week course.
@samie Two nights for a work trip a little before he turned one. I didn’t want to go. I’ve turned down every other work related travel request.