Mamas, what's the longest you'd be apart from your 0-2 y.o.?

@samie Not crazy if you’re nursing. RIP your explosive boobs. I left my little around this age for a week at a time for work (I’m a mom) and I missed him lots but I made it work because I had to. But I wasn’t breastfeeding. That changes the dynamic, mainly for you, unless you have a window to wean (which is cool or not depending on your situation). As lots of folks have indicated, you know your dynamic with your little best.

But I will add one caveat; leaving to work really allowed my husband to bond with my little and made him appreciate the ins and outs of the daily grind of parenting (LO was in an excellent daycare during that time). I feel like it really elevated our parenting partnership because he just had to figure it out some days. And mom’s career is as important as dad’s.
@pandorra Lol I do fear for my boobs. And your statement about making it work because you had to rings true for so much of motherhood and being a working mom. My husband is actually primary care, which makes me feel lucky but also cue the mom guilt for feeling like I'm missing out. Anyway thank you for the comment, I think if I could break away after a week it would be better!
@samie I would not leave my child overnight while still breastfeeding! For a weaned toddler, only a max of one night. I wasn't away from my eldest for more than one night until he was 6 (in hospital having my 2nd baby)
@samie I’ve gone on business trips and my youngest of the same age, but two weeks is too long. A few days or maybe up to a week, sure. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to say that you’d prefer not to travel for that long. Is there a virtual option?
@bible_follower Unfortunately no it's a hands on course teaching some lab techniques. But I really like your idea of finding an alternative, I will do some research and see if I can find a solution. Thank you. I REALLY don't want to leave for 2 weeks.
@samie 5 days/4 nights. Business trip, baby was almost a year and dad was on paternity leave. Was nursing a bit still and had planned to stop around 1 year but stopped a bit earlier due to the trip. It was a nice trip with time to relax and actually enjoyed getting some good sleep 🙈 wouldn’t haven’t wanted to be away longer than that though
@samie Do you have any day off during those two weeks when you could come home or have her come and visit you with your husband/partner? I feel it would make it easier for the both of you.

At 14mo, she will not be too anxious or sad and will manage well. I frequently left for some stretches of time (3-4-5 days) starting at 6mo, so I have experienced this first hand.

My partner is great and does a great job taking everything over while I am gone, so this is also less worries, I fully trust him to take very good care of our daughter.

Last year, I left for almost three weeks (with one break after the first week) when my daughter was 19mo and it went ok, I was a little sad, but she was striving.

This year, I felt that she handled the separation worse, she would cry on our facetime conversations, it broke my heart even though I was only gone 4-5 days.

I am currently looking for a postion where I do not have to leave as often.
@razieloran Thank you so much for your input, it was so helpful! I think there's room to ask that my husband and little one join for a bit. That would definitely help me. I think what I appreciated most about your comment was the perspective of your babe. I think I'm under the impression that younger toddlers would cope worse because they don't understand where mama is, however older toddlers have a bit more awareness so I suppose it would be tougher! Sorry to ramble :)