Calling all Velcro baby mamas

@handlotion Exactly the same here. Contact naps and baby wearing all day and then nipple has to be in her mouth to sleep at night. Any time I try to move her into her basinette she wakes immediately. Im concerned how I will return to work in a few months. I teach and need the evenings to prep. I can’t be doing what we are doing now and yet I know I’m doing what she needs me to do at the moment.
@handlotion This entire post speaks to my soul, I’m right there with you, baby is almost 4 months now and contact naps and sleeps on my chest through the night. Every day and every night I tell myself this is going to be the day I try to get LO to sleep without me and then I’m so tired that I don’t have the energy to try it out and would rather her just get her sleep and me get my downtime on my phone then spend an entire nap trying to get her to stay asleep in the bassinet. The longest she’ll stay sleep in the bassinet is maybe 15 mins.
Other things that are hard because of co sleeping and contact napping: I’ve lost weight really fast because I don’t have time to eat, I have to do household chores when she’s awake, husband and I never get to snuggle and I’m always shushing him 😂
@dougalqc I feel this! A friend of mine decided to do a meal service for a month because she just didn’t have time to cook or clean. I am going to look into that and see if it’s budget friendly for me for a little bit. If I can quickly pop something in the microwave and eat before he needs to sleep, it might be better than nothing.