List of infant allergies by frequency?


New member
My baby reacts to eggs and chicken. And milk and I think beef. Probably some other things too I ditched in my elimination diet. I keep seeing random data like "x percent of babies with z allergy also have y allergy" and such. Is there a site that's put together an all-encompassing list of known frequency of infant allergies? I'm needing far more than just the big six here.

EDIT: Confused why this got downvoted until I realized I didn't specify I'm talking about a four month old reacting to what I eat in my breastmilk. I promise this is relevant to the sub :p
@maintjie Here and following because I’m looking for help with this as well. Bub has been struggling and I’m really trying to stay on the breastfeeding path.

Already cut out dairy at week 3, saw improvements for awhile, now we are at week 8 and have had the same struggles for about 2 weeks. Trying to figure out what she’s allergic to.

My peds referred us to a gi specialist today, and said they will probably suggest formula, and I’m just not ready/willing to give up that easily. She had a tongue tie upper lip tie, and 2 buccal ties and couldn’t latch for 4 days. We worked HARD to get her and off formula in the first place.

If you find any good resources to how to narrow down milk transferred allergies, let me know. And good luck!
@maintjie Hmm, I am not sure

Dairy, soy, eggs, nuts, corn, legumes, gluten, oats

We have issues personally througgg breastmilk transfer with dairy, soy, corn, legumes, oats

LO gets hives from eggs if they’re not cooked very well and also from peaches.
@maintjie Apparently the list starts milk, egg, wheat, soya. As mentioned above, milk and soya proteins are very similar, as are other animal milks. There’s a chicken/egg link too. Also a soya/animal feed link.

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