Hey all- I recently came across Lead Mama and that sent me down a fresh anxiety driven rabbit hole re: lead exposure. We live in a rented 1940s house and I had brief concerns about lead but grew up in an older home and didn’t worry too much about it. Baby was tested at 1 and lead levels were below 1. He is now 18 months and I’m stressed as I’ve noticed some tiny paint chips falling off our door ways and a couple chips in paint here and there. We also had a bathroom fan installed recently and no special precautions were taken- the contracter said they weren’t needed and I took him at his word. Now freaking out, especially since resources like the CDC have led me to feel like living in any older house is extremely dangerous (but what about Europe??). I feel like I should be deep cleaning every day and am not. I emailed our ped a couple days ago and she hasn’t responded yet. Can anyone weigh in or empathize?