Kindergarten age son is having fever


New member
This is medical related question. We went to see our pediatrician three times, multiple after hour phone calls and urgent care twice. All the answers are similar, “it was caused by some type of virus”
  1. Late Nov early December, had fever, as high as 105F. At Dr office, tested Flu, COVID, strep test, all came back negative. On fever day 5, went to urgent care, lung X-ray clear. On day 7, fever was gone. Everything was back normal.
    Medicine: alternating between Tylenol and Motrin.
  2. Right before Christmas, he was tested COVID positive (with in-home test) with fever and random coughing symptoms. The fever was on and off for about 10 days. At dr office, blood and urine samples were collected. All came back normal. Dr ordered another lung x-ray, all clear.
    No special medication except Tylenol and Motrin.
  3. About 2 weeks later, here we go again. Went to Dr office, flu test was negative. In-hone COVID test was negative. Dr says it’s virus, but don’t know what kind.
Since late Nov till 1/25, he missed at least 3 weeks of school, not including holiday break. He had fevers before, but just 1-2 days thing and recovered very quick. Overall, he is in good health, good eater, very active. This is just too long.

One of the doctors did ask if my son went to day care at early age, we said no. Last September was his first time to school. Dr said it can be the reason that my son exposed himself to multiple different viruses.

If you experienced similar situation before, could you please share you story or suggestions? As parent, I could not stop overthinking and worried if this is some early stage of serious illness. All doctors thought I worried too much.

Any suggestions? Thank you very much.
@frankiejohn Kids are gross. They pick their noses, cough with their mouth open, sneeze in their hands, touch literally everything, and don’t wash their hands unless they’re told. They get sick a lot, especially when they really weren’t exposed to it as toddlers for their immune systems to build the immunity in daycare. They grow out of it. Just hang in there and keep showing good hand hygiene.
@frankiejohn Well both my children are sick like every two months.
They have started kindergarten as one / two year old, so I hope that they will have been exposed to all the viruses by the time they go to school. High fevers are normal. Just two weeks ago our 1 yearold alternated between 38.4 C and 40.5 C. It was treated well with Ibuprofen (I think 60 mg per dose) whenever it was over 39 degrees. As long as it quickly goes back below 40 and the breathing is normal I don’t bother going to the doctor.

I don’t understand why the doctors do lung X-rays. Ours just listen to the lungs and hear if they are free or not. If they are not free, the children need to inhale some medication to help with that. X-rays come with a high risk of cancer after all.
@katrina2017 Chest x-ray is the same as flying across North America. Avoidable but not a death sentence. Lemon balm tea (hot or cold) has been shown to be effective at helping with radiation exposure.
@frankiejohn This year has been extra brutal in terms of viruses. That with starting Kinder means your situation is totally normal, even if it’s super annoying.
@frankiejohn Unfortunately normal for kids to get sick frequently when they start school. This year is even worse, everyone I know has sick kids. We went through the ringer from Sept-Nov with viruses exactly as your describing. Neither of my kids had every been so sick, and it just kept coming back. After 4 rounds of it, we have been fairly healthy since early December.

Best of luck.
@frankiejohn Oh man, I put my kids in preschool for three months and they only attended maybe one month at most because of all the times we got sick. Unfortunately there’s no way to avoid it, just gotta get through it.